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Couch to 5K

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All posts for February 2015

Anyone finding treadmill much harder?

Hi all! I graduated in may last year and was working up 10k however had a knee i...
Purplesparkle8 profile image

beating the black dog

so the black dog has been beating at the door all week. i haven't gone to any of...
suel18 profile image

W5 R2

Done, I didn't think I could do it because I fone my w5r1 yesturday, but it wasn...
Kerry82 profile image
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Week 4 Done

Am a bit behind my fellow 'New Year Resolutioners' but completed week 4 tonight....

Sorted some Gremlins... Happy man..

Had a few gremlins recently having to keep taking unscheduled walking breaks and...
AndyD profile image

Face as pink as my trainers but am I happy?

For the second time this week I have run 5k without stopping - this time with hi...
moonmar profile image

He fell over

Just back from my recovery run. Back in the woods, running through the trees, fe...
GettingFitter profile image

Wk5 run 3 Totally ****SmAsHEd****

Can I start by saying Laura I totally love you, you beautiful woman. Well everyb...
Jase44 profile image

Burning calfs?

W5 R1-new sensation of burning calfs during and post jog. Completed warm up and ...
H123 profile image

Week 5 Completed!

I did it! I actually ran for 20 minutes! I don't think I have ever done that! It...
Katie24601 profile image

Week 6 Take 2

So, this is take 2 of my long, rambling post about the final run of Week 6, rath...
Hidden profile image

It's still cold out there!

Well I've just completed Wk4 run 2. It is still so cold that I did wonder how I ...
emhunt profile image

Running 'scared'

Running scared. All my life I have avoided running and,in truth,most physical a...
ezra567 profile image

Jogging in NZ and San Francisco

Since leaving home, I have managed to get in two runs - an early morning 10K rou...
Bazza1234 profile image

Week 5 run 2

Enjoying reading all your posts. This morning ran wk 5 run 2 with the lovely oli...

5k done :-)

well went a bit off piste in week 9. Completed R1 as normal, then a friend/colle...
nutorun profile image

Georgie the Dog

Here's Georgie by Southsea Castle in warmer days
sprior1961 profile image


Not me, the weather. Speedy George had the day off today so for the first time w...
AllieG profile image

GF London Run in Pictures

Short post just thought I'd share the pictures of my run. Almost recovered now. ...
GettingFitter profile image


any tips for what are the best trainers are for running ?
superchip profile image

Week 1

Week 1 Run 3 this evening. The first 2 runs I've done straight after work, befor...
sprior1961 profile image

hellooo everyone

hii...i m new membr here...soo...i m going to gym from one month...but i only lo...
richa_12 profile image


I hate running, even when I went to the gym I did my best to avoid running but s...
xdoodahx profile image

EEk I may have to miss a run!!!

Never thought I would be worrying about the possibility of not being able to fit...
resrtas profile image

Yet another W5r3 post

So, tomorrow at about 1:45 I will be embarking on the 20min run. I wouldn't exac...
christop profile image

Cor that was chilly! 1st snowy run!

Well, after London Winter Run , i had booked a week off so have had the luxury o...
aliboo70 profile image

Wk4 Run1

Just done Run1 Wk4 after missing a week and I was REALLY surprised. I managed it...
Maturelady profile image

Seduced by the London Winter Run!

I must admit I don't post here very often, just like to pop on most days to read...
redkelly profile image

Knee pain

Hi guys, I started C25k a couple of weeks ago - I've finished week 1 and 2 but ...
hughesy81 profile image

Not always bad

My posts tend to be a bit "this is awful", so here is a better one for a change....
mini_neon profile image