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Week 9 posts
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Back again after a break
After about 3 years of not being able to do any running due to a vicious attack ...
Back on after 7 day sore throat and cold
Ran today W9 R2 after 7 days off with cold and sore throat. Kept to the program ...
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I did it!
Hello, this is my first post. I started c25k in July to do in conjunction with C...
I did it! I actually graduated!
Hi runners! This morning I graduated. I can't quite believe it! If you are readi...
Graduation! - Achievement unlocked!
Well 7 years after starting C25K I've finally graduated! (I know they say take i...
Almost there!
Sorry for all the posts after each run, but it's my way of holding myself to acc...
And scubasmiff passes Yee to take the gold!!
Well,not quite an Olympic gold in the triathlon, but a personal gold in C25K.
I’ve only gone & done it 🥳
8/2/23 to Graduation today 7/5/23
I did weeks 1-8 continuously then on 20/4 ha...
Such a relief to have managed 30 mins!
W9 R1 completed - yay me! Set myself a snail’s pace after the ‘mare that was ru...
“I am super woman, I am strong, I know I got this coz I had it all along!” Week 3 run 3… victory run
Somebody hand me my badge, and crown, and get the red carpet out… don’t forget t...
I have done it!
Delighted to announce I have just finished Week 9 Run 3 and graduated, yay I am ...
I have done it!
It has been a really busy day but I didn't want it to end before I managed to po...
Week 9 complete! So happy to graduate
Wow! Week 9 run 3 complete and can't believe what I have achieved in 9 weeks to ...
Week 9: The Grand Finale
Hey everyone - I did it! I actually completed the course. Can I get a high five...
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