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Couch to 5K

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All posts for December 2019

W1R1 and on...!

Hi runners! Thanks for all your support and encouragement on my W1R1, R2 tomorro...
Hidden profile image

Week 8 run 2 - feeling tired

Managed my first 28 minute "run" - oh dear I'm sooo slow - barely made it to th...
silverflowers profile image

Highlight of your running year 2019

What was your highlight of 2019 with regards to running? I suppose mine was gra...
AlMorr profile image
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Outdoor vs treadmill

Hello and happy new year! I started my runing journey by running outdoors howev...
Irish_eyes profile image

Trying again ....

Hi all , happy new year 🥳. I first attempted couch to 5 K on 02/01/19 .... I go...
3rdtime profile image

Where do I start again?

Hi all, Happy New Year to everyone! I wanted to ask some advice if I may. I hav...
Zippy17726 profile image


I’m so pleased that I have managed to coax my grumbling back through to my third...
Elfe5 profile image

Happy New Year

It's new years eve and I just did my first week 9 run! New year's resolution (do...
Hurdygurdyman profile image

Treated myself for NYE

Decided to have my make up done for tonight . My lovely friend came to the house...
SuzieMac profile image

First Run

Finally managed to download music & app to start running! Thanks to my husband f...
Hidden profile image

Assessment run this morning.......

After completing W7R1 in mid November I ended up on the IC with Achilles Tendoni...
Wenderwoo profile image

W1 S2

Omg this was much harder but I got to the end, paced it! 🤗
UBFittie profile image

Happy New Year (nearly my runniversary)

I just wanted to say a Happy New Year to you all! A couple of days into January ...
Pianism profile image

Week 1 Run 2 done

I started this because I need a new challenge. I’ve lost 7 stone in the past 2 y...
Estherg22 profile image

Do you want some running advice?

Hi everyone, I've been following this group for a while, reading about all your ...

A giant Leap

Just got in from run, something has shifted, today was the big jump from 90 sec ...
Val183 profile image

Week 8, getting there!

Just completed run 1 of week 8. Starting to feel that I can really make it to 30...
Grassseed profile image

10 days since my last run

Unfortunately I’ve spent the Christmas period on the IC with a bad knee. Console...
PurpleFish59 profile image

W1 R2 (1.5 114)

Boom! Done. Need to bottle the feeling after each run and release it when trying...
Bean82 profile image

W9R2 done

Hello. Joining in to express how much I am enjoying the C25K course. I am a lap...
GeorgeZ profile image

First session completed.

Feeling pleased with myself I've just completed week 1, run 1 at the third attem...
Jansey profile image

Week 1 done!

Just completed week 1, yeay! Found all 3 days really hard work but pushed throug...
BlacksmithsGal profile image

I’m back after 2 months of no running

I’ve been totally bone idle for 2 months. I got to W9R1 and stopped. Well this m...
Tazzy_wazzy profile image

W8R1 after rehab

After nursing my foot tendon and giving it rehab for over a week I was getting s...
Nymahchai profile image


Like many I don't write a lot on here but love to keep checking the forum to see...
Hidden profile image


So, I went out last night because my toe felt quite a bit better. The warm up wa...
SuzieMac profile image

Run 2

Just completed Run 2 my son joined me went really well....Thank you to all of yo...
Simmi10 profile image

Smashed 30 mins 🏃‍♀️👌

W9r1 completed this morning, feels good. I did want to be graduating today but w...
Beckyboo1980 profile image

Happy New Year 🎉

A rest day today and tomorrow (although hoping to meet up with a group of old fr...
Redvic97 profile image

Farewell 2019

Well what a year. I could hardly run for 5 minutes this time last year. Just bac...
Scruff55 profile image