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Hughes Syndrome APS Forum

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All posts for August 2012

Had my memory test

Saw the neuro pyschologist yesterday and he tested my visual and auditory memory...
panda60 profile image

feeling of weakness in the foot/ankle

Among the rich palatte of pains and sensations I have been contending with since...
GinaD profile image

TIa or migraine Tia diagnosed at ST and local hospital over a year ago

Well having been admitted due to vomiting blood, I have been in hospital for 5 d...
daisy11 profile image
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PLEASE HELP! Anyone in the United States won social security disability? Any pointers would be helpful! My twin sister needs help!

My twin sister Heather, who used to post on this site is 32 yrs old and was diag...
EMT434 profile image

Do migraines really improve if INR reaches between 3 - 3.5 ?

Hello everyone, I have had a major stroke 6 yrs ago and was diagnosed with APS ...
kelgem profile image

Can anyone describe the feeling of the beginning of a leg (mid calf) clot?

One morning last month I was rudely awakened by a severe left calf leg cramp. Th...

Prof Hughes' August blog

The Olympics arrived in London. The weather held and the organisation worked li...
Hidden profile image

INR levels up again

I went to the clinic yesterday as my INR had shot up again to 4.9 and it should ...
harrio profile image

I have Hughes Syndrome???

Hello! I commented that I am new to the forum, I was diagnosed with Hughes Syndr...
ANALIA profile image

Does anyone else have May-Thurner Syndrome?

Whilse I was in St Tomas' it was suggested that I might have May Thurner Syndrom...
Glitterwitch profile image

Do we have to look sick to be sick??!!??

Yesterday I saw a cardiologist for the first time. Am having some other problem...
Leigha profile image

Hi there,A tiny amount of help with these petitions please.

Hello So many people appear to have thyroid problems mixed in with their auto...
MaryF profile image

I found this website.... It appears to be a website to log in and track flare sympt...
Hidden profile image

Hyperthyroidism, does anyone have this? I have been ordered for ultrasound to rule out cancer. HELP!!!!

77tiger05 profile image

Am I sick.......

Am i sick...well that would depend in what you mean by sick wouldnt it? I am ...
lollierai profile image

Now what?

August 27, 2012. Today, I was diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome. I'll nev...
aid1117 profile image

Home From Hospital

You may remember I went into St Thomas' last monday as the new stent had been "c...
Glitterwitch profile image

hi all....after finding out i can no longer take warfarin due to side effects.....i wondered if anyone is interested in a coagucheck machine

the nurse at tommies said some people would like to self test at home so to ask ...
natirish profile image

Can antibiotic eye drops affect your INR?

I managed to get corneal ulcers in both eyes a couple of weeks ago. The eye doct...
travelnut profile image

Is it me or is there no such thing as thinner blood?

I have been told time after time that this thins your blood and will help with i...
DanMorris profile image

I have APS and RA..How long before plaquenil starts working?

I was just wondering how long before it starts to help. I have been on it for 6 ...
3boys profile image

INR levels

Hi, does direct sunshine increase my INR levles?
harrio profile image

Does anyone else have APS with Lupus antibodies & Polycythemia?

My husband was diagnosed with APS in 2007, but nothing was said about Lupus anti...
sbncmo profile image

anyone been through the same

i had high anticardiopolin levels in 2007, started having grand mal seizures for...
muzza profile image

has anyone else been told they have epilepsy then been diagnosed with aps

muzza profile image

Caroline where are you?

Yesterday I, PLuto 5 had a message from Caroline (52?).I couldnt open it yester...
pluto5 profile image

Saw the rheumy at Duke yesterday . . .

. . . and she thinks that my hip pain is probably orthopedic in nature. So, I'm...
GinaD profile image


I'm on about day 5 of a very annoying headache just above my left eye. It starte...
Tannyah profile image

Purple blotch on palm

I just noticed a purple blotch on palm, I though it was ink or pinched my skin, ...
Hope73 profile image

Does Lipnotin cure Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

Hi everyone, I have a friend in Sri Lanka who is suffering from Anti-phosph...
elona profile image