Thank you for posting.
Thank you for posting , Mary.
This one hits very close to home for me.
I almost lost my life at 18 months with a milder version.
My platelets were at 3,000-
I woke up with the rash - diagnosed with ITP. ( this was in 1970 in Ft Worth Texas.
I was also in ICU under the care of a lead hematologist. I had major lung issues, and was pleased in an oxygen tent. ( I spoke about this at my sisters funeral last week, as she would get under the tent with me and it was so comforting to me- I remember it quite well!)
The team wanted to remove my spleen but I was too ill.
I was placed on very high dose steroids- and I don’t know what else. I had multiple organs involved.
I was in icu for 6 weeks.
I was not expected to live.
Of course, APS had not yet been described.
My Hematologist now thinks I had micro clotting going on throughout body- CAPS.
The high dose steroids did help considerably.
Of course my mother was still dealing with clotting herself after my birth.
Thank you, Mary. I will repost to LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS)!
Thankyou Mary.His blogs are written so well and are interesting.Not good memory for you KellyInTexas .sorry to hear of your sisters passing
Know my brain doesn't always function as well as it should-but is this last years blog for December 2019 or should it read 2020?
Thank you for sharing the open forum. Even though it was 2 weeks ago it was extremely informative and answered so many of our concerns around COVID-19 and the injection. Well worth a listen all.