Hi, does direct sunshine increase my INR levles?
INR levels: Hi, does direct sunshine... - Hughes Syndrome A...
INR levels
Find it heats the blood which in turn makes it run faster not sure wether it thins the blood tho. sharon
Thanks Lynn
I find it true for me that sunshine raises the INR. I experimented. I went to a tanning bed 3 xs week for 2 weeks and not at all for the next 2. I tried to control for diet and activity level, ( which really is impossible,) and yes, the tanning bed raised the INR by about . 5 points. Not much.
(And on a No I'm Not Crazy Note: when I go to a tanning bed, in winter, I do not stay long enough to even get a tan. I'm just after the Vitamin D. The tanning salon owner keeps urging me to stay longer,( so I can have the deep brown, highly wrinkled skin she has,) but I never do. Just 6-8 minutes. Just for the D please. )
Just to clarify in case that decimal point is obscure, that was .5, or half a point. As in from 2.1 to 2.6. Not much. But we're all different and if sun effects antone else it likely does to a different extent.
10 to 15% variation is normal and should be expected even on blood draws within a few hours of each other.
Two times now my INR went way up when I traveled for a couple weeks to a hot and humid area. I was told by the clinic that heat could affect my INR.
Of course, I was drinking a bit too much wine and eating fewer greens when traveling too,
so I can't say I'm convinced yet.
Thanks for your comment, it was helpful.