Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for March 2018

Taking a step back

I’ve not been able to run since last Monday and feel like I have lost momentum ☹...


I hadn’t run since Monday gone and as the ground and track still have either ice...
Scouser67 profile image

Week7 run 3

That’s week 7 all done and I feel ready for week 8. Great run on the beach today...
Burnhambeach profile image
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Week 5 Run 3

Well 1 day later minus the snow, just a little bit of slushyness and I amanged t...
bertiesugar profile image

New to running

Hi im new to running and taking part in the green park challenge. Loving running...

First post grad run

Tomorrow I plan to run my first post grad run using 5k+ podcast can I run strava...
Mcdon profile image

W6r2 - last intervals done!

The gremlins may have stopped me from running yesterday by telling me it might b...
RainbowC profile image

Still so true...

This was on the radio earlier... Still so much wisdom in it. Ladies and Gentleme...
GoGo_JoJo profile image

Wk4R1 Ups and downs

W4R1 was a real challenge after the snowy ease of wk3. The first 5-min run coin...
Sarararara profile image


Been a hit and miss week with the weather and not feeling quite tickety boo but ...

W5R1 & Breathing

I redid run 1 of week 5 today as have missed over a week of the plan & worried a...
WendyS25 profile image

Too slow?

Since I run by myself it's hard to judge whether my pace isn't too slow. I did w...
Lise89 profile image

Week 3 Run 1

So after a week of being snow-bound I asked advice about repeating Week 2 or jus...
SamanthaN profile image

Time to stop skulking!

Have decided to change my user name from Fitter40s to DebJogsOn. Feel that I kno...
DebJogsOn profile image

After the snow...

Anyone else worried they will struggle to run having had the week off for the sn...
Seasidepanda profile image


My good lady graduated yesterday which gave me inspiration to start. Was going t...
GRoy profile image


Well the thaw has begun so finally safe to start W9 without risking broken bones...
Getfitjack profile image

Slushy Sunday Run!

We'll despite the misty drizzle and slushy pavements it was a joy to be out ther...
DebJogsOn profile image

Wk9R3 - Graduation in mush!

Not as I imagined but hey I’ve done it 🙌. Probably one of the slowest runs ever...
ebcroquet profile image

At last, what an amazing ride

No, I didn’t do C25k on a bike but today, after everything, I finally did my W9r...
SW16 profile image

Well, that was strange!

I ran 5k in 28 minutes this morning. Excuse the French, but WTF?! I had not run ...
Sadie-runs profile image

W8r2 done

Pushed myself out the door into the snow yesterday and did my overdue run. Ran ...
Jude1963 profile image

Rest days

A cold and rainy start this morning in Derbyshire, however W2 R1 complete ! ✅ ...
Lisalou1402 profile image

Ice dodging graduate of 5k yippeeee

Never thought I could have done this. Thank you everyone for all your inspiratio...
Fatflabtofitfab profile image

W5R3 next and dreading it for some unknown reason

I completed W5R2 yesterday and despite a little apprehension at first it was not...
Samarie profile image

Just carry on?

Well I’ve had a week off running due to snow. I was just about to start Week 7. ...
TheRiddler8t2 profile image

Week 2 run 3

So got up this morning feeling really positive so after a few days off not being...
Hidden profile image

Running away from diabetes.

Hi all. I’m on week 4 run 2 and am great full for finding this forum. I’m a tr...
WalkingWithLabradors profile image


Morning all I completed W1R3 last Sunday, unfortunately the weather put a stop ...
Lisalou1402 profile image

Penultimate run and supporting exercises question

I did the W9W2 this morning, and want to start on exercising on the other days t...
Vejo profile image