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Couch to 5K

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All posts for May 2014

Pins and needles while running

Hi, I've just completed W6R1 and today my right foot went completely numb from p...
leannec1990 profile image

snakes and ladders

I woke up with a twinkle in my eye knowing I was going to be running today, an e...
ju-ju- profile image


My husband and myself have decided to get fit, were not over weight (i lost 7 s...
shaker23 profile image
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Corrrrrrr! What a gorgeous day it was today. Most conducive to going for a delic...
danzargo profile image

Oh NO! Tripped in garden, fell and tendon hurting even more now!

Been gentle on my leg for about 3 weeks now but still very painful. Went to GP l...
Beek profile image

Run 3 Week 4

Completed Run 3 of Week 4 this morning - I got up and out at 7am on a bank holid...
joannecb profile image

Techno-phobe confession

I am embarrassed to admit that I have no idea how you all keep up with the posts...
RoRoMama profile image

Week 2 completed

That's week 2 completed and it feels great. I can safely say I enjoyed w2 as muc...
paul2014 profile image

Week 7 Run 2..... Oh yes!!! Still alive!!!

Still feel like I'm gonna die in the first 5 mins, then feel ok ..... Last 3 wer...
JustLisa profile image

Week 6 Run 1 Complete !!!!! (Early)

Bank Holiday when I awoke early this morning and although I had only completed W...
Hidden profile image

Stepping stone

Completed the stepping stone podcast today and enjoyed it. I am finding that I a...
Hidden profile image

I am running a 3k fun run with a friend (honest!) on 17th May and she has developed a bad back whilst running. Help.

She has suffered quite a few injuries (She has just completed Week 7) but seemed...
Rockette1 profile image

Week 3 run 1 am amazed

Wow am impressed I done it , took Laura's advice about someone on other side of...
alibags profile image

Don't forget if you're in California, New York is in the east

dozzer19 profile image

Look to my coming on first light on the fifth day, at dawn look to the east; dozzer19 has a new look

Forwards and onwards
dozzer19 profile image

Week 4 - struggles + Stockholm Syndrome

Hi there guys, I've been lurking for a couple of weeks but just wanted to speak ...
BettysbOps profile image

First 5k race done. What's next?!

Ran my first 'race' yesterday. Just me and 13,999 others... It was a race for li...
Tadaruns profile image

That was close!!!

First run using stepping stones this morning. Found it hard to run at the, what ...
stevo216 profile image

As recommended by Bazza1234

Oh my! What a challenge. I have started sprinting to W1. 1 min sprint and 90 sec...
mustgetthin profile image

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly......

After this morning's run..... The Good - ran 30 minutes(4.5km) for the first ti...
folkieboater profile image

What a brilliant feeling!!!

My long run day and had spent the whole day preparing. Detoxing, hydrating - rea...
carole01 profile image

Week Six of the Spring into Summer Quest - feel free to join

Welcome to the six week of the Spring into Summer Quest. Well here we are th...
Realfoodieclub profile image

Nearly did my ankle!!!

B***** kids!!! Was running downhill on a path partly blocked by school kids ski...
Bazza1234 profile image

Garmin Forerunner: 10 vs. 110, Which is Best?

The friend who introduced me to C25K enthused about her Garmin Forerunner 10 so ...
Pugwash profile image

Marathon Inspiration

The Orange County (california) Marathon winds through my old hometown. This fir...
Nilzed profile image

Up an runnin!

At 66 I've Just started the NHS C25K, after being encouraged and inspired by my ...
Running66 profile image

Heart Rate Scare Week 2 Run 1

Hi all, Gave myself a scare this morning using new heart rate monitor. I start...
pastort profile image

W7r2 ticked off, but I'm never going to make 5k by w9!

I know it's not all about distance but I only managed 3.3km in 25 min, so there'...
AncientMum profile image

Hurt my knee - how long till I can run again?

I'm a bit frustrated. I hurt my knee (the inside knee) while jogging down a stee...
Jajsh profile image

A bit farther than I had intended

Did W5r3 today. whew. in the cold rain. There was a location I had in my head of...
jujubean profile image