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Couch to 5K

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All posts for May 2013

Wk2 run 2 late.............. But fun :-)

Isn't it strange how you dread doing the exercise....... But when you get back y...
Hidden profile image

W2R3 - Knee Pain (sorry this is moany) :(

Since completing the second run of week 2, I have experienced almost constant pa...
big-momma profile image

Week 5 run 1, twos company

Done run 1 from week 5 today, best ever run, so much fun, It was windy and rainy...
bikergirl profile image
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Week 5 run 2- new shoes win, technology fail! (Edited due to wrong number)

Well we went to the little sports shop in Warwick today and got some decent shoe...
Plinth profile image

Week 5 Run 3

Feel abit disappointed, just went for my run and could only do 19mins. It was h...
ksed profile image

W9R2 - Park Run!

About half an hour before the alarm went off this morning I regretted a couple o...
PamJK profile image

Second run of week 1

Found this very, very, very slightly easier today thank god. This is probably d...
plugy profile image

First parkrun

Did my first parkrun today at Braunstone Leicester in 47mins 35 seconds. Am real...
Hidden profile image

Week 5 run 3

Well yes I've now run for twenty minutes, I can't believe it. My brain kept tell...
Alfie17 profile image

My First Parkrun experience (or how not do it and still have a great time!)

I laid out all my kit the night before and then double checked everything. Turns...
CouchtoKiltLegs profile image

Anyone else have problems breathing through their nose?

Is it just me or does anyone else struggle to breathe through their nose when ru...
nomorejellybelly profile image

Graduation run done - YEAH! No longer a Parkrun virgin - YEAH! First injury - BUMMER!

Well what a morning I have had. Poor nights sleep - nerves I think and listening...
Dellacat profile image

As promised - blog of shame and lame excuses :-(

Didn't get to the park run after all and am gutted. I thought I had all bases c...
Khrissy profile image

Best run yet

It's been about 3+ weeks since I graduated and I've been doing a bit of B210k an...
Twedders profile image

Any more yo-yo runners out there?

Today I will go out to re-start C5K again in some form, to try and build up my r...
H123 profile image

Took on the advice

Decided to take the advice of Greenlegs and try something new to mix it up a bit...
bexbridge profile image

Lapped by a toddler W6r3

Briefly debated whether to wimp out and repeat run 2, decided to go for it and d...


Week 5 run 2 completed and it was TOUGH. The first run was fine, the second one ...
lola465 profile image

OMG can't believe I did it!!!

I have just run non stop for 25 minutes W6r3. It was slow but I never thought I ...
Mancity1 profile image

week 9 done and dusted!

Can't really believe I have done it, but I have! Completed week 9 - and that ov...
Yeshe profile image

And, that's a wrap

Well I started the C25K on the 28th January and along the way had to take 4 week...
Pafkay profile image

Back on track finally and who picked that song?

Just after Easter I pulled my hip whilst doing W6R1 and had to have a few weeks ...
JacquiToots profile image


I'm trying to work up the enthusiasm to go on my run but I seem to have lost my ...
lola465 profile image

Another Week Down-3

Week 3 is complete. I really look forward to my end of week blog posts, I thin...

week 4's coming - nervous!

So this morning I completed week 3. I would be lying if I said it was easy, but ...
iWillDoThis profile image

Happy days @5x50

Ventured out on Thursday in the very blustery wind to do my run for 5x50; kept p...
Poppy2010 profile image

Week 1 complete :-)

Can't believe I survived week 1. Hope I can manage Week 2. Really reassuring t...
Canireallyrun profile image

Where's my badge???????

I don't wish to complain - no, I do. Where's my badge?? I finished on Wed, messa...
Tati profile image

Problems breathing on first day! Tips?

Tried my first day of the program week ago started off great! After 2 sets of in...
karsa624 profile image

Tomorrow is the big one!

Well tomorrow I set out on the last run of week 9 and I have registered to do th...
Dellacat profile image