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Couch to 5K

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All posts for February 2013

One fed up grad :(

Oh I'm pd off haven't run for two weeks now I have a torn quad muscle nothing ma...
redfacewoman profile image

B210k started - Samantha is DEFINITELY not Laura!

At last, after the shin splints, ice, snow, etc., this afternoon I got started o...
Soozz profile image

First time out in WEEKS!

Due to a series of calamities, some bigger than others, today I went out for the...
earl-grey-sian profile image
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Roll on drier weather!!

Went out today and get wet again... my shoes are rotting away...good jo I have t...
givman profile image

back outside for my tempo run.....yaaaaay :)

My running partner for today (who is afraid of the cold and wind) could not make...
Jeddahpm profile image


I never listen to the podcasts before the week arrives, so when Laura announced ...
Sarae profile image

W1 completed :-)

I am finding the last two runs a bit hard but I think that has more to do with l...
caz1_ca profile image


After thinking about starting the C25k plan for several months I finally got my ...
blimey13 profile image

12 months ago today, shortly before my 63rd birthday, wearing a new pair of trainers and clutching a red MP3 player with Laura talking to me

I started on my C25K journey never thinking I would complete the programme or st...
Hidden profile image

Back out on the roads again - hallelujah!

It's been an odd year already. My NY resolution was to run 3 times a week and t...
Anniemurph profile image

Me jogging?!! - unthinkable? ..or is it?

I cannot believe I am about to start W4R1,.... why ...because I am 44 yr old fem...
amsjo profile image

Did I do the right thing? Extended run!

Did Week 5 Run 2 last night and all the way through I was thinking ahead to Satu...

If I jogged any slower I'd be backing up, but

I'm ok with my super-duper-ultra-light-jogging pace because it's helped me get t...
TX-Bluebonnet profile image

w6r3 completed, Setting the pace?

Hi, i've been lurking for a week or two, but i would like to see if there is any...
Keeran profile image

Subtle mindshift

Am I really becoming a runner? I ask because as I was driving home tonight I rea...
Khrissy profile image

Cycling on rest days?

I'm thinking of buying a bike so on rest days I can cycle. Haven't been on a bik...
vikicats profile image

A visit to the physio

So yesterday I went to see the physio. This is a first for me. Lovely bloke. Fir...
vikicats profile image

Have read ahead and am now really scared!

Hi all. Just completed w1 today. I was curious as to what w2 would be so read th...
LondonKel profile image

Week 5 done!

So pleased with myself! Week 6 starts on Sunday (Archery competition most of S...
stega1958 profile image


Well I debated blogging this or not! I've been naughty, there I said it. My r...
123456789 profile image

Rules, Routines and Brick Walls are made for breaking.....

Firstly another thank you to everyone who blogs and comments - not only on my po...
ForrestGrump profile image

To run or not to run, that is the question...

I KNOW tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous ex...
Hidden profile image

Week1, Run 2 ...hardwork.

almost avoided, but got in the machine and went. Had minor pain back of right le...
dittogp profile image

Week 3 done

Well it, s me again still surprised that I am running and doing what Laura tells...
nannyp profile image

W5r3 DONE... and no ambulance required!

So excited! When I started (and could barely run for 1 minute) I read the podc...
ajf10 profile image

Wk 8 Run 3 Nice one!

Oooooooh! Only 3 runs to go... This one was so much better than the week 7 run...
greenlegs profile image

Men waving at me? Who'd have thought?!?

Just thought I'd let you all know what happened last week while I was doing a 30...
Hidden profile image

Life in the Fast Lane: If at first I don't succeed...

Yesterday was challenging. After an hour of weight training with a tough physica...
Genome911 profile image

New weight loss badge: the people have voted...

Voting has now closed and votes have been counted! A majority (31%) of those who...
TheEditor profile image

Chickened out!

Was supposed to start w3 today but chickened out opting to do yet another run of...
Hidden profile image