Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for November 2012

Lidl this week - polar fleece buffs.

Just thought I would share, £2.99 each and absolutely indinspensible (imho) for ...
rfawag profile image

An Update on a post from March 2012 - here's a link for Sam Murphy's B210K podcasts if anyone is interested

Hi all - been searching for something useful to carry me on to 10K and didn't ju...
psarapsych profile image

Chilly morning run lesson!!!

Inspired by Swanscot I decided to go out nice and early and see some frost!!! Ha...
Ginthestring profile image
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Calling Pinkus, Delia, Crafting Girl, Fatmumslim and LucyB and any other W7, wait for it.... RUNNERS...!!!!

Hey all you RUNNERS - CONGRATULATIONS - Wowwwwww and well done us :-). We now h...
psarapsych profile image

w2r3 - cow dodging!

Just completed a very cold and extremely windy run, amongst a herd of wooly mamm...
rfawag profile image

Change of scenery?

So week 7 run 2 and Laura suggests a change of scenery, so off I went on a new r...
DeliaItaly profile image

Has anyone heard of or got a pair of 'TrimTech Technology' trainers?

I'm just reading an advert in the H&B magazine about the above trainers, they so...
Oldgirl profile image

Done it! Had to wait a few days, but it was worth it to do it on home ground.

Nine weeks on, half a stone lighter, one or two dress sizes smaller, 5K still to...
Tityre profile image

It should have been Week 9.

Last night I was sat thinking (dangerous I know) about my C25k journey so far. T...
vikicats profile image

Had to abandon a run for first time :( how long should i rest my hamstring?

Earlier this week I ran for 25 minutes and Laura told me I'm a runner. But now I...
parkbirdy profile image

Week 1 done.

Just completed my final run of the week and this time ran outside. It seems to g...
PeaBea profile image

First go at Speed!

....and I found it a bit strange to be honest. Firstly I could NOT walk in time ...
Fraz73 profile image

Week 7 Done and Dusted - Ditching Laura

I had to do something about my fears of finishing, so for my third run of Week 7...
londongirln19 profile image

Wow weight loss and getting fit too !

Just thought I'd share a :) with all of you - been feeling good so jumped on the...
redfacewoman profile image

Do I need an iPhone in order to download the c25+ podcasts? I have an HTC desire. Any help in downloading these are well appreciated.

Hidden profile image


Hi Everyone...I have just completed Week 7....its Amazing...I cant quite believe...
pinkus profile image

Any advice for a nervous beginner?

I've downloaded the first week's podcast, and I've promised myself I'm gonna get...
pineapple81 profile image

Squelch squelch squelch oh no my shoe! ouch!!

Well that's how my run started off today. It must have been raining heavy last n...
mark909 profile image

Week 8 done and dusted

Well I've managed the three runs of week 8 and "now the end is nigh" or is it ju...
gaterunner profile image

New addition... yippee

I came on here tonight after completing my run, and imagine my surprise when I f...
eshaz14 profile image

A cautionary tale of crash and burn!

Hello everyone, I've been lurking on this forum for a while, but haven't joined ...
Saruma profile image

5K Zombie Evacuation Run!!!!! South London 11th November!! Well that'...
Ginthestring profile image

Graduation elation

Work called and I've been sent back on my tour of as many Caribbean islands in a...
Slater profile image

Run slower for longer? Or faster for shorter?

Hello, newbie here *waves* This is my third attempt at C25k (the first two ti...
penjy profile image

W1R1 finally achieved

Today must have been about my 6th attempt at W1R1 since my first attempt back at...
earl-grey-sian profile image

5K woohoo!

After far more weeks than the course should cover, what with my forgetting to go...
little_kay profile image

oh wow - look I got a badge!

Cant quite get over this - a badge and a tshirt in the same week!! So will be ou...
virtualrunner profile image

Spooks...poor visibility and a soggy bottom....

so, last night was my second run in Week 2. Had plotted my route - a flatte...
AuntieAli profile image

What do YOU do on your "rest day"?

It seems that there is always some discussion going on about the rest days in th...
IronMatt profile image

Guisers and Gadgets

Last run of week 7 for me. A nice autumnal lunchtime run which was much needed a...
mabbers profile image