So week 7 run 2 and Laura suggests a change of scenery, so off I went on a new route. I live in the so-called "food valley" a huge green plain that runs across northern Italy more or less from Piacenza (near Milan) to the coastal town of Rimini, so, being a plain, it is pretty flat and very popular with cyclists. So off I went off the beaten track, beautiful scenery but no joggers or power walkers -- but yes, cyclists everywhere. Nearly did myself an injury as I almost fell in the river as 15 speed cyclists sped by. Plus, as it's 21 degrees so, no jacket and I had my car keys and i-pod down my knickers and at one point they slid down my running tights and when Laura told me to end on a high, I happened to hit one of the few gradients in 200 miles, so I eneded on a slow almost walking uphill jog for the last 60 seconds. Edmund Hilary the 2nd?
Change of scenery?: So week 7 run 2 and Laura... - Couch to 5K
Change of scenery?

Well done, Delia!! It is almost unbelievable how those hills appear out of nowhere, isn't it?!
I have surmised, reading various blogs over the last few days that wandering keys and iPods are much more common than I ever realized!!
Watch those cyclists and Keep Running!!

Well done, how lucky to be running in such a beautiful place and in the warm!! It was freezing when I went out last night. Keys are a real problem aren't they, I am sure one day I will get back and find I have lost my key somewhere on my run!! Keep running

Sounds beautiful Delia! Well done on the run and conquering the "mountain"..... Sue x

Well done Dalia! I find I have a new appreciation for "mountains" since taking up running. The area sounds gorgeous! i wish we had areas like that to run other then our nice paved roads/walkways. Not much to look at other then the other huffing and puffing runners.
Glad you didn't take a tumble in the river!
Must admit the river was scary, the bridge I ran across was a wooden pier.
I saw where you live, wow, Dodge City ... reminds me of cowboy films my dad used to take me to watch when i was a child. Such an iconic name for a city!
We actually are the real Dodge City. The City we live in is the Cowboy capital of the world. Dont worry, horses and stagecoaches have been updated by SUV's and other motorized vehicles. We are a touristy town marketing off of the old west, Boothill, Gunsmoke (old TV series) and all the characters of that period.

Sounds great, Delia! Know what you mean about keys falling down inside clothes. I wish they would make even a tiny little pocket in the waist of running tights, like they do on capris. I have tissues stuffed in my bra, leave my keys hidden in a secret place at home, but as I have a dinosaur non-Smartphone (am I the last person to be without one?) and my iPod is in my arm band I still haven't resolved the problem of where to put my phone. My cute running gloves from Aldi have a teeny weeny pocket for teeny weeny keys which is a nice idea but
I haven't actually used it yet. In fact I've only run once in 3 weeks, due to these shin splints, but am hoping to try a little run tomorrow....
I have a smartish-phone, but to be honest, I work with a computer all day long and am riddled with e-mails. Do I really want internet also when I'm out? No thank you.
I love this site, but no way would I ever use FB. I was in fact one of the first people to use it (big head, aren't I?) but soon realised that I really didn't want to speak to Fred who used to get on the same bus as me when I was 16, or some ex-boyfriend so I got out. I love this community, but it's somehow different from mainstream social networking which I find very Orwellian and scary. Have waxed on lyrically, sorry.
Yes, need to work out a good storage place for keys, tissues and i-pod when running. Ikea anyone? xox