Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for July 2012

Is running enough?

I'm watching the Olympic cycling thinking it looks like fun and maybe I should s...
MaryAB profile image

How did I end up doing this?

Well.... blow me down. My best friend has run half marathons and goes running ...
Ginthestring profile image

Keeping safe while running

I've just read about this App in Runner's World and it seems such a good idea th...
sfb350 profile image
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How do you carry your inhaler and all the other stuff I feel I need to take?

When the weather has been a bit cooler i have been wearing a trail running top w...
ellerunner profile image


Attempted to run my planned 5K route again, but took yet another wrong bridge ac...

W3R1 - No, no, no, no, no, no . . . YES, YES, YES

Thanks to all of you who supported me through W3R1. I DID IT! Surprisingly I...
Sanz profile image

Shin splints? What are the symptoms & what's the answer?

I have a lot of pain from my knees to my ankles. Also a burning/prickling sensat...
Hidden profile image

Week 6 Runs 1 & 2

After the euphoria of running continuously for 20 mins in W5 R3 these 2 runs fee...
avagomo profile image

knees are in agony

did wk 6 r1 yesterday, but knees are so sore after an hour or so tried doin the ...
tombraider profile image

Not sure where I am up to

But really pleased. I completed W8R3 on Saturday 14th by running 5k in approx 32...
BJR67BJR profile image

Week 1...Done!

I've been meaning to start the programme for a LONG time now and have finally ma...
chipstick profile image

Next Thursday cancelled

Saturday was the day I broke my ankle and what did I do on Friday this week brok...
glendam52 profile image

I've had to wait a week to say - I've graduated Whooooooo!!!!!!

With only one run to go I was struck down last week with a virus and felt awful ...
morningglory profile image

Woot Woot! Wanted to finish on a high!

I've done my graduation run today!! Went out on the route I first started out on...
Elizadolots profile image


Hello everyone I am about to start week 4 run 1 - wondering if its ok to do ...
funrungirl profile image

Do you need encouragement?

I have found the stories on this board very helpful and supportive. Thank you al...
deadasadodo profile image

Week 7 is History!

I am so happy to have got through week 7 without any major problems. My third ru...
welshwoman56 profile image

Just completed week4

I did my last run of week 4 today and today's the day i'm feeling a few aches. I...
RachNJ profile image

Week 5 - awesome!

Its amazing how much you can change your body's endurance in just three days of ...
MirrorSaw profile image

Started Week 5 - So Far, So Good

Well, spent most of the day watching the Olympics and trying to psych myself up ...
Scipio profile image

Do you find running harder in the cold?

This may be a daft question, but do you find it harder running in the cold? I fi...
Nix1970 profile image


I've been a bit quiet on here recently but have still been running as often as I...
mrqwest profile image

Week 7 Run 3

I did it, despite massively lacking motivation this week I have managed to do al...
lauramarie84 profile image

How reliable is the Mapmyrun app?

I have been using this app for a couple of weeks now and so far so good. However...
MrsBirdsnest profile image

Parkrun number 7 and under30minutes - feel really pleased with myself

I haven't managed to fit in a Parkrun for 3 weeks and I had been struggling to c...
wilmacgh profile image

Fat Burning Run-Walk Plan

I've mentioned this plan elsewhere and said I would post a link for anyone who i...
sfb350 profile image

Week one done feeling great too!

Well week one completed- this is the second time round for me after an eight we...
redfacewoman profile image

First Park Run!!

I finally plucked up courage! My daughter is visiting from Australia (moral supp...
Gridlet profile image

Finished week 2

I used to enjoy finishing a week and downloading the new podcast. I'd avoid loo...
Prince_of_Cats profile image

Hamstring Issue..

Walking out of work on Wednesday I felt a sharp pain in the back of my thigh. B...
doggymum profile image