I haven't managed to fit in a Parkrun for 3 weeks and I had been struggling to complete a full 30minutes without walking but I was determined this morning to try to crack the 30min barrier. I even woke up during the night thinking about it. I couldn't make up my mind whether to run with the week 9 podcast, my own music or just do it. When I got to the carpark I decided just to take my phone and use Endomondo to track it but forget about headphones as not many people seem to use them.
Made sure i didn't go off too fast but realised at about 2k I was well up with the pack rather than at the tail end. Having said that, it was quite a big field today - about 250 with a few new runners. I found running without headphones meant I could hear myself breathing and also hear others round about me more and I'm not sure I don't prefer the headphones blocking that out. Anyway once on the back stretch and into the wind I was struggling a bit but just kept telling myself to keep running, - one foot in front of the other, - you don't need to walk, - look there's someone walking you can pass them,- there's someone with a 100 runs tshirt you can keep up with them (not), - there's the 4kmarker speed up, - well maybe when you see the finish, - that's the finish you've done it!
Wasn't sure of my time because I never get Endomondo started and stopped exactly on time but I thought I was pretty close to the 30minutes. when the results came through my time was 29:00!
I did my first Parkrun in April when I was on about week 6 of the podcasts and made it in 35:13 so I've knocked a full 6minutes off my time.
I remember seeing people doing the Parkrun a couple of years ago and thinking that I might try it sometime without really thinking I would. I know that I'd never have been able to turn up and just do it. It's been working throuhg the programme that's got my fitness, technique and stamina up to this level and where it hasn't been for 30 years I suspect.
For those folk thinking about Parkrun I'd thoroughly recommend it but probably once your more than half way through the podcasts.