I finally plucked up courage! My daughter is visiting from Australia (moral support) and I had the day off work so no excuses really. It's a good half an hour drive and difficult to park but so worth it!
Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, it was really nice. I started at the back and just went at a steady pace in anticipation of the imminent steep hill! It was three laps around the park and as I was struggling up the first time I thought "oh no! I can't do this three times! It's impossible!" The rest of the course was pretty flat though, so I soon recovered. However, the second time was just too much, it beat me! I walked up part way. I was so mad with myself! I picked up speed and was determined, the third time I was going to slaughter that hill! I really surprised myself, I just went on my toes, leaned into it, pumped my arms as hard as I could and got to the top! I actually passed three other struggling runners!
My lovely daughter was waiting at the finishing line so I ran as fast as I could and finished in 29 mins 11 seconds! I found out later that I was first in my age category! I am so pleased!