Posts - PSP Association | HealthUnlocked

PSP Association

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All posts for October 2018

Ankle swelling

I was taking admantadine for six months I stopped it because I developed swellin...


Dystonia My brother has been having several episodes can’t think of a word to ca...
Tttp profile image

Rigid hips

My FIL yesterday complained of his hips feeling stiff the dystonia episodes are ...
Pooches profile image
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More "Good News/Bad News"

This seems to be a common thread here lately: My wife is currently in the Bio-Ge...
Dickwin profile image

Anyone else fed up with giving instructions ?

Wow I have never know such a tiring/trying desease every day I have to tell my h...
Dance1955 profile image


Had a telephone appointment with the doctor to ask some tablets to help with mus...
Mamapiggle profile image

Some positive news but tinged with increasing issues.......

Hi, Today an electrician came and fitted a pull switch next to my bed that will ...
Bargiepat profile image

Ridgidity and pain and bending

Dan was feeling pain in his very rigid leg last night. Is this common, and what...

Left to its own devises.

The garden has gotten short shift this year more than ever before. I have neithe...
Hidden profile image

Some good news

Good morning all, I haven’t posted for a while and when I did I was so touched b...
Hiking13 profile image

Saga goes on....

After sending in a formal complaint this morning with photos as evidence the hom...

Tasigna (nilotinib) and clinical trials

Rigorous clinical trials are essential in order to reliably establish both the s...
pspa-helpline profile image

Hospital Check up

We have attended my FIL three month check up with neurology under Dr Knopp a ver...
Pooches profile image

Urinary Incontinence

Questions for my forum friends: Seems like this has come on fast. It started wi...
Khartt profile image

Sleep or lack of!!

Dear All We are hitting a new era of agitation in the daytime and at night. Day...
Tippyleaf profile image


Just back from hospital appt to discuss a peg .Our doc quite keen but surgeon th...
Westerngirl profile image

Living nightmare

Hi all So it was 5 weeks yesterday since Mum was placed into 'temporary' nursin...

Some members of the group might identify with this procedure.

Excerpt The PSP Chronicles Volume 1 Yesterday, I read a report from my Speec...
daddyt profile image

MRI and blood tests

Hello to all. We waited three months to get into a Neurologists office for first...
Debspottery1 profile image


Well after George got a chest infection, about 3-4 days later he has a urine in...

Corticobasil Degeneration Advice Needed?

My father has been put in a nursing home because, he has CBD he can’t walk, tran...

Unresponsive Episode

Hello - I am new to this group and very thankful that it exists. My mother was ...
rs25 profile image

Summer’s over

The swallows and house martins have left for warmer climes and for me that means...
Georgepa profile image

CBD hereditary?

Hello everyone. I have a question that I’ve been wondering for so long since my ...
Keiramurphy profile image


My mom is suffering from CBD since 8 months ...would like to join this group to...
Momdee profile image


Today I found my husband, sitting at the lunch table like he was frozen in time....
Gingerw3 profile image

What’s your tipping point ?

Hi there, every day i think I’ve reached my tipping point, but I don’t really kn...
Caro2132 profile image

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