Questions for my forum friends:
Seems like this has come on fast. It started with a little dribbling on the way to the toilet, like he waited too long to go, then couldn't hold it. Then there were a few messy days, where he just missed the toilet. We got a riser seat so he could sit down, and that helps some. Now in the last few weeks, he's making huge messes, like gets to the toilet and can't sit down fast enough so he just pees right on the floor! I do my best to be have a urinal handy in case I need to catch it. Last night he used his urinal at th bedside but proceeded to drop it in the floor (yes it was full). Ok, so yes there is a question in here. Is this the beginning of him losing all bladder control? Is it normal for this to come on so fast?
We had his weekly visit with OT yesterday, she recommended trying re-train the bladder with regularly scheduled trips. Has this worked for anyone? She also said cut off the water drinking after supper time, but he refuses, he is obsessed with his water cup and gets angry if I try to cut him off.
For those of you that have used or are using convenes, is that something he could use only at night?
I'm afraid we're beginning that time of up every hour at night...