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Couch to 5K

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All posts for December 2015

its saturday again!!

hi well tomorrow beckons for all us parkrunners Hope you all have a good run if ...
givman profile image

Obligatory nushupawn

Here they are... Asics Gel Pulse 7 £72 I had my gait analysed this morning. Nat...
simonwilliamstutor profile image

I've done it!!!

I did the last run today - felt hard compared to R1 and R2 of the week but I thi...
emmabrambles profile image
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Graduation by Xmas plus a small bit of panic!!

I've just done Wk 8 run 1 (28 minutes) and suddenly realised that, if all goes w...
Pinguette profile image

Planning a session on a cross trainer

My left foot is still hurting today (I broke a bone in it last year). The two e...
KayFitz profile image

The Glasgow Hills were alive...

With the sound of my breathing :-) We decided to do hill runs today. So went up...
ashishkulkarni profile image

The only thing harder than starting...

... Is restarting! I got to the second to last week in a previous life and stopp...
KTMACNESS profile image

Training for a 10K post C25K

So I just finished C25K. I've done 2 park runs and super proud of myself. To kee...
Mulcahkk profile image

So much slower this time around!

Hi all, I just finished W6D3 of my second C25K of 2015. I did a leisurely one b...
TheHistoricalPresent profile image

First post grad outing

Just done my first run after graduation - took a new route to treat myself, as L...
shinyhappy123 profile image

Week 9 Run 2.... the best of times...the worst of times? was the best of times, but I only decided that half way through th...
Oldfloss profile image

Some runs are more difficult than others

I remember the first time I was on W5R3. After 12 minutes I had to give up, redu...
ashishkulkarni profile image


Did my two eight minute runs. No real problems but my legs and feet felt very s...
KayFitz profile image


I have often seen posts telling runners that have completed the C25K to get thei...
Ken4321 profile image

A wee bit fed up

Oh dear. I'm sorry I feel a whinge coming on. I am delighted to have completed C...
AvatheGardener profile image

Parkrun tourism !!

I have some major parkrun tourism coming up !! I'm sure you will understand how ...
Girlyswot profile image

Wk9 R3... Whoop Whoop!!!

Well after a couple of false dawns, delays due to work commitments and minor inj...
Hidden profile image

Still going, and now just a little bit faster.

This evening I smashed my speed record. I did 10 mins 5 secs per mile on Monday ...
Monners profile image

Any meteorologists out there?

Why is it that no matter which direction I go in the wind is always against me!!...
SarahFox profile image

Lack of speed/pace getting me down.

Well I was feeling good and positive about being able to run 5K. That was until ...
Sezza2u profile image

100 runs

Today was my 100th run. 27 C25k runs, 15 parkruns, various pace runs, interval r...
Coddfish profile image

Final foot injury update!

Yes, folks, I reckon I can confidently say I'm over my achilles injury. It's ju...
Steve_L profile image

Absolute beginner

Hi all, I'd really like to get running. But am really daunted and don't know wh...
LearnGirl profile image


I did! And if you had tapped me on the shoulder 51 days ago and suggested I cou...
shinyhappy123 profile image

Santa Dash Earl Mountbatten Hospice .

Had fun with my youngest, and some friends at our local Santa dash on Sunday ......
Caroline69 profile image

running home from work

hi Dont know about you but sumtimes dont feel like training when I get home from...
givman profile image

Week 9 Run 1...Sneaky little incline!

Well, having planned the route, at least a hundred times and even dreamt about i...
Oldfloss profile image

Week 5 begins

Having got muddled up, I was gearing myself up mentally for an eight minute run ...
KayFitz profile image

Old Faithful Week Six again!

Well - following my three-week gap after the fall in Madeira, I got out on Satur...
runningphobe_no_more profile image


I have just done R2W6 (and found it the toughest so far). My breathing is not a...
jojo57 profile image