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Couch to 5K

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All posts for August 2012

W6R3 Failed to plan

So what's that saying, people don't plan to fail but fail to plan?? Yep well tha...
AnnaDJ profile image

Five weeks off - but I made it back out there again

I can't believe it has been over 5 weeks since I last ran but after doing 4 mile...
lucylocket10 profile image

Be safe when running outside on darker morning/evenings

I bought a HiViz pop over vest today from Lidl cost me all of £3.95 well worth e...
Oldgirl profile image
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2nd run of wk 2 in the rain - not much fun

Despite the rain i decided to give it a go, went the distance but found the wet ...

clever cloggs

well didn't i think i was big n clever , thought i would start week 5 BIG mistak...
missyj profile image

C25K Done for the next target!

So (finally) did W9R3 yesterday (
cvgough profile image

Week 1 and feeling pumped!

YAY I managed to go for my first Week1 run yesterday :) I've been out of exercis...
musicmad123 profile image

Another 28 mins under the belt :-D

Well wk r2 done and felt much better than r1 did. Prob had something to do with...
Jimbob74 profile image

3 week break

When I head out tomorrow for a run with the club it will be 3 weeks since my las...
AliB1 profile image

Week 3 in the bag

Phew! Have just got back from my final run of Week 3. I've had a bit of troub...
Aseesi profile image

To run today or not?

Really busy week end at a festival, 3 o'clock bed past 2 nights. Should have com...
Ginthestring profile image

Yip yip yip

Thats week 7 done (finally) Yes i struggled...and yes i slowed...but by Jimminy...
sonicsplodge profile image

Bottom of foot pain question

My husband has joined me in our goal of completing c25k! We are in week 4, doin...
gdeann profile image

W4R1: This 49 year old couch tator did it!!!!!!

I am in awe of this program! I went from not running through all of my W1R1 ses...
gdeann profile image


FINALLY!!! FINALLY!!! It took me at least 20 weeks to finish but I am here now!!...
Stephy profile image

Approximate cost of fitted running shoes?

I have been considering having my gait analysed and getting fitted for proper ru...
epld profile image

Finally - a plan that works!

Having been very sporty at school I was hugely disappointed to wake up 20 years ...
derbydoc profile image

Week 4...why are my knees hurting so much?

I was a little bit nervous about starting week 4. Five minutes sounded like an a...
chipstick profile image

Well that's another run done :)

Would it be sad to say that my W6R1 was the highlight of my day ....this running...
redfacewoman profile image

What pace do people run at?

Really pleased to have completed Week6R2 having never thought I'd get this far. ...
derbydoc profile image

Bye bye Wk5!

So put it off for couple of days but finally did WK5 R3 and to my surprise I did...
runningwild profile image

Treadmill for starters??

I have just completed week 2, which I am pleased about because I never thought I...
ali3880 profile image

Beginning again, but from Week1Run1?

Hello all :-) So happy to see so many postings about post-graduation runs. I ...
kathycullen profile image

Week 5 help please!

Hi all, I have just completed week 5 run 1 but cannot imagine after just one mor...
slimmingbride2b profile image

P184 Glad to have daughter (Jlow) on board

Great to have daughter Jlow on board as she pointed me to the web site and what...
Pat184 profile image

Sabateour or sabotaged

I along with a friend have been running for 6 weeks (3 runs each week) we have s...
pakhtar profile image

Slim runner

Hi everyone! My 19-year old is nice and slim. However she is not fit and like ma...
DeliaItaly profile image

1st run as a graduate.

After only managing to run 3.4 km in W9R3 I decided to work on getting to 5 km b...
unfitstudent profile image

W2R1 - Better

It was so warm and cosy in bed this morning I really didn't want to get up and t...
Chewy profile image

Week 2 Run 1 - Issues

I started cautiously this morning - it's cold and wet here right now so didn't w...
Fraz73 profile image