Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for August 2018

First week run 1

Well that was fun. Great to be out in the sun and managed to jog all the way thr...
Patty81 profile image

Did it did it! 20 mins non stop! W5 r3 ✅

Wow amazing that I did not stop and kept running!! Half way the ankles started t...
Hatetoloverun profile image

Week6 run 1 getting close 🏃‍♀️

So the rain managed to stay off while I ran with 1 tiny shower which was nice to...
Run1980 profile image
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Which app ?

Which app should i use to record my runs ? Finding my fitbit is not accurate !
51firstrun profile image

C25k W5D3 aborted due to twisted ankle

I got 18 minutes into what was a hard but going well and enjoyable 20 minute run...
Caldarium profile image

Week 8 done ..... and a bit more💪🤛

Love running round this place - it’s a gorgeous setting and is so flat 😁. Norma...
Shakywakey profile image


I’ve only gone and done it, I’m super thrilled W9R3 plus an extra 5 minutes runn...
Kazzi49 profile image

Bit of a downer...

Been consolidating for a couple of weeks, and decided to try the stepping stones...
Bettyb719 profile image


Completed W7R1 but was starting to feel despondent as doing this for weight loss...
Dwat profile image

W4R2 - When is this bubble going to burst?!!

TICK ✔- I wasn't grinning like a Cheshire cat on this run as I was on W4R1 but I...
Lissy24 profile image

Newbie saying hello

This is my first post. I am new to running, overweight and the wrong side of 50 ...
Pandarina profile image

Week 7 R1

25 mins and I feel I could carry on!! Astounded really seeing as I was blowing o...
Ellis69 profile image

Week 9 Run 1 Completed this m...

Week 9 Run 1 Completed this morning - now to see if hip behaves so I can get gr...
Redtracey profile image

Week 5 run 3 in the bag

I really think I must be dreaming. I CAN NOT BELIEVE that I have just run for 20...
DrNinja profile image

Run day

So I’m starting week 6 run 1 today and this is the weather I’ve woke up to ( or ...
Run1980 profile image

Graduation Day!

So planning to do local park run to graduate this morning. Woken up bit bunged u...
Clarefromclare profile image

Back again, in W4 now!

Hi, I once completed the whole program, that was 2 years ago, I did some Steppi...
zeidan profile image

Great running story here
Bazza1234 profile image

Don't forget your barcode #DFYBC 🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

Happy Parkrunning everyone 😀
telford_mike profile image


That was tough, really tough. Still 30 plus degrees here in Virginia and the bac...
Taffywasawelshman profile image

Keep on running

In week 3 of Cto5K...enjoying it, escape from work, spot time to myself enjoying...
Gottatry profile image

Week 1 Complete!

I got in the gym around 8:30 pm and completed my final run of the week! I was re...
Zee221b profile image

Puttheeffortin lol

Well to say I was dreading the last run of WK5R3 it’s been great, I ran with my ...
Shadil50 profile image

W7R3 done and dusted

Wet and cold :( Not sure if the conditions were at fault but this evening's ru...
antonioa profile image


Hello all, a colleague told me about this programme and I am starting it tomorro...
Marcaevans profile image

W2R3 - Stress Relief

So my run was a little later than usual for a number of reasons but that actuall...

Advise Please 🙁

I completed Week 8, run 2, then I went on holiday - I have not done anything for...
Marisa54 profile image

W6R3 Nailed!

Just back from my last run for week 6 and managed to cover just over 5km in the ...
farranccc profile image

Increasing pace.

How have people here increased thier pace ? I find it really hard to judge if I'...
StewieNorts profile image


Did my first fast walk today since I started and finished C25K. I love walking b...
AgingMetalHead profile image