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Couch to 5K

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All posts for May 2016

Just when you thought it was safe............ I'm back! 😜

Hi All, Sorry I have been on WC and IC for 2 weeks 😖 I did my first run as a Gr...
OldPapaBear profile image

C25K team for Wings for Life World Run 2017?

Hi all, There's some rumblings going on after my post on participating in the Re...
Madge50 profile image

A very wet W4R1

I'm doing C25K with my daughter to encourage her, although I can run a 5k, its s...
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Running clothing for women.

One run away from graduation, and already I have a drawer of running clothes.  B...
bulgarianlily profile image

Encouragement for newbies! You CAN do it! :-)

Hi all,  I haven't been on the board for soooo long but I have been running - th...
Potty profile image

Before I Begin...

I'm an ex smoker and I have asthma. I'm also recovering from a broken foot (2nd ...
asking79 profile image

The first day of the rest of my life...

I got on the scales this morning and was horrified at the number and so I decide...
Hidden profile image

End of week 2

Just wanted to say a big Thankyou to everyone who replied to my message at the s...
Feelingsilly profile image

Week4 Run 3

Done! (Though due to the long length of time between sessions, I might do anothe...
Jacko123 profile image

Week 2 Run 3 faster or longer??

So finished week 2!! Started off at my usually slow and steady pace and at the e...
Shelliemac profile image

W1R1 officially done!!!!!

For those of you who have read my posts on here before you'll know that I've bee...
ADH94 profile image

Re hurty legs-thank you

Thank you all for your advice about my hurty legs last Friday I did W2R3 and fel...
Tombenoly profile image

Week 2 completed

Did my last run for week 2 this morning. Made it a bit easier by altering my rou...
WindsweptRissa profile image

signed up for 1st Half Marathon

yikes, am I mad? I'm following the easy novice plan lol
Paul46-ipswich profile image


Today's run went so well, I ran through the cool down again!  I cannot believe h...
kcboles profile image

Lets talk about Pee!

I thought I would put this post up over all the forums as this year in the UK th...
Realfoodieclub profile image

W6R3 done - I am officially a runner!

Well, I have completed W6 now - but my word, it was a slog! The canal towpath wa...
Katie204 profile image

Is it bad to repeat week one if you don't feel ready?

Hi. Just completed week 1 Is it bad to repeat week 1 if I don't feel ready for a...
funschine profile image

Week 7 in the Bag

I got my run in early this morning and it was heavenly in the sunshine, I even m...
LessToLose profile image

First 5K Complete.. Break?

SO..... It's done, I'm proud and achy, and surprisingly anxious to get back out ...
PotterBook profile image


Today has been a good day - got a great result in an exam for my MSc that I did ...
melly4012 profile image

Getting Started on my personal fitness

After thinking about getting more exercise for ages, sitting down office job, I ...
AndyIoW profile image

Running in the Coooool ...

Ran one of the Bath 2 Tunnels 10k at the weekend and whilst it was hot, humid an...
AndyD profile image

Graduation Week 9 run 1

We both decided to do a different route with more off road running and a few hil...
Tilly48 profile image

Good running shoes?

Wondering if anyone can recommend some good running shoes? At current I wear a p...
gem21 profile image

Mad dogs and Englishwoman 🌞

W6R1 done. It has left me a big melted puddle on the porch floor 💧. Maybe a run...
Bundoodle profile image

Week 9 run 1

Different route today so a few hilly parts and rough terrain..... Oh and hot. 22...
Whippo09 profile image

Speed improving

Today was the first time since I started the programme that, during my warmup wa...
Shivani05 profile image

Week 2 - Take 2!

Last Wednesday i completed WK2R2, found it quite tough on the calves but overall...
ChelleUK profile image

Week 3 run 2

Not as easy as the first one of week 2 but the first one was mostly on the flat ...
plop profile image