Wondering if anyone can recommend some good running shoes? At current I wear a pair of nikes that I used to use as casual trainers but I don't think they're supporting me very well. Recommendations please 😊
Good running shoes?: Wondering if anyone can... - Couch to 5K
Good running shoes?

Best thing t do is go to a running shop and get gait analysis. It is usually free and no obligation to purchase, and then you will have a clearer idea of what type of shoe would be best suited to your foot. Then scout around online for the best deal on shoes of that kind.

I am very fond of my Asics but I would recommend going and trying different ones on - also - don't be surprised if you have to go up a size or a size and a half. I have heard people saying that you should always buy your trainers in the afternoon or evening as your feet tend to swell during the day. Not much help to you I am afraid!!!

What's good for me could well be terrible for you. As Rignold says, you need a gait analysis to determine if you need a neutral shoe or a support shoe (and if support - what style of support). You will also find that different manufacturers have different ideas of size, not only in length, but also in width. You may pay a few pounds extra at a running shop (but you won't necessarily - I paid £3 less at the shop than I would have paid for exactly the same shoe at their "factory" outlet store. It's well worth getting your first pair from a running shop. It can save you heaps of injury problems from just buying a pair that look nice online.

^^^^^^^ Three sets of good advice already ^^^^^^
I can recommend some good running shoes: they'll be the ones that suit your gait, fit correctly and give the right level of support for the style of running that you do, on the surfaces that you run on.
One of the experts at a running shop will be the best folks to narrow that specification down into a selection of brands and styles.
Hi this was something I asked last week when I discovered that the Reebok easy tone trainers were really not good for running in, especially with back issues. I wasn't able to get anywhere close for a gait analysis and was desperate to keep the running initiative going, but I managed to speak to someone at the nearest sports shop at the weekend and they had a machine checking arch height?! Mine is apparently high, who knew! This and my requests to have good cushioning led to a few pairs he thought might be suitable for me at this stage(early repeating week 2) I have just used them and they feel much better, far less wobbling about and more cushioning. I expect there are some even more suitable ones when I can get this gait analysis but it's ok at present. My reasoning is if I put too many obstacles I actually won't do anything. Best of luck sorting it.

As others have said so to a shop that deals with those that run.
I found a local one (a mile from home) that was very helpful allowing me to try various ones on and also had loads of friendly advice (park runs and other groups that also run) and not pushing you.