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Couch to 5K

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All posts for April 2016

w7d2 - another hard run

Just finished week 7 day 2 (25mins running) and just like Monday's run it was re...
yatesco profile image

Running in Scottsdale

Hi I am really enjoying being back re-doing the C25K.  I have skipped a few sess...
Helein profile image

Ankle/Knee/Calf Botheration :'( Any advice?

This issue first cropped up just before W5R3. I've been aware of it but with it ...
hannah141 profile image
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Starting C25K today and a little nervous

Hi Everyone, I'm starting the C25K today and i am a little nervous about the imp...
natjones91 profile image

Treadmill running vs outdoors

I'm on Week 6, Day 2... and so far all but one of my runs have been on my trusty...
PotterBook profile image

W7 R3

Week 7 finished thank goodnes, all week has been tough but today had high winds ...
Patrick1942 profile image

Who is Laura?

I keep reading people saying Laura is a good motivator, or "when Laura said".......
PotterBook profile image

Run delayed - my hamstrings went on strike

I asked a trainer at the gym to check my form while doing squats the other day, ...
Shivani05 profile image

Week 7 completed

I planned a longer route than normal today, so if I had the energy, I could keep...
Sundae8pm profile image

Need an injection of motivation

I've technically graduated now i think... didn't follow it until week 9 but now ...
Lcsurfer profile image

Nearly there !!

The 22nd of April can not come sooner for me , this is when I will be told when ...
Hidden profile image

Decent headphones

Hi all, I run (still makes me chuckle that I can write that and not feel like I ...
yatesco profile image

Visiting UK - Parkruns

Hi all, I will be staying in Dunmow,, Chigwell and Eatbourne over a 3 week perio...
CaminoPilgrim profile image

Wobble now gone!

Just a quick update following yesterdays post when I was having problems with th...
builtforcomfort profile image

Casual 10K.....!!!!

Had an awesome run last night! My mum offered to go for a run with me and she's ...
Skennedy0909 profile image

Park run

Did my first 5k park run on Saturday , turned out a lot easier than I thought, c...
Rodderzzz profile image

Week 7 R3 complete!

Drama. ipod stopped mid run. .....what a  strange sensation listening to ...
IcanandIwill profile image

Don't eat anything --

-- that your Great-Grandmother wouldn't recognise as food. http://www.theguardi...
Bazza1234 profile image

W5R2 done!

Wow - never, ever thought I'd be able to run for 8 minutes without stopping, I f...
louisella profile image

Home early

Got out of work early so ditched run from the station to run with Kevin and Ryan...
ShannieP profile image

Week 7: Start delayed by snot!

For the second time in 5 weeks, I have a sodding cold - grrr.  This one is such ...
barmybint profile image

Hells bells

After not struggling with stamina so far I was expecting W4R3 to be OK. I'd take...
justkeepgoing profile image


Here's a pic of Saturday's Parkrun at Havant, the Sun was shining and the temp w...
Frank-ntj profile image

Snippet today...

We all know what a great amount of support we have on here from all our friends....
Oldfloss profile image

Who posted about the slump?

Recently some one posted a really interesting explanation for the slump we all h...
Slowstart profile image

I'm bonkers

I'm on a business trip today and so far have not run in "foreign" cities, even w...
JaySeeSkinny profile image

Still Runnin'

Seems very strange choosing my own music after Laura, but since graduating on 25...
JaxO profile image

Giving C25K a Go (despite my weight)

Still horrendously overweight (despite losing 5 stone) and not exactly young any...
LessToLose profile image

Week 5, run 3. Done, sort of!

That was hard work. I was OK until 10 minutes in and when she said "you're fit e...
JennyH10 profile image

Huffed and Hobbled but Home :)

Had to decide today wether this pain in my knee would allow me to run.. W8r1 was...
sparky66 profile image