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Couch to 5K

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All posts for February 2014

Made it through W4R2

Found week 4 run 1 really hard on Monday so I was dreading ever doing it again n...
Choccychic profile image

Just gone and entered my first 10km race!!!

and scared but excited! It's the women's running magazine series in the Lee Vall...
Hules profile image

W5R3 - just keep running...

Ha! Did it, and it so totally is just a mental thing running for that long. I ha...
greenstar profile image
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Who is still doing the 5:2 Fast Diet?

I remember reading quite a while ago that several fellow c25kers were giving the...
Legion profile image

Painful ankles after W1R1 - how long to leave it?

I am a 53 yr old guy. I play regular tennis & golf and have been doing Pilates f...
ChrisL profile image

Running Technique

I say, all you running chaps and chapess'es out there. I have a question. Tis th...
danzargo profile image

5k to 10k running plan?

I've been running 5km regularly now, some runs better than others. I want to ge...
Tessietwo profile image

Done R1W2 yesterday & tried Laura's tip of running heel 1st now I'm in pain!

I hadn't thought about how I run before, but listened to Laura's tips & tried th...
Smurfette1 profile image

Wk1r2 supposed to be 60/90? More like 30 or 40 and 2 min! I may be here a while.

Nilzed profile image

New Garmin, New Route. So Excited!

Well, my wonderful hubby gave me my Garmin early (it was a Valentine's Day press...
Irishprincess profile image

Longest run for me ever plus first time running in heavy rain!

So I decided in bed last night that I would do the first part of my usual route ...
Beek profile image

Running Shoes?

I run in a £10 pair of trainers & have no issues. Will it improve my running if ...
DaveRunner profile image

1st postgraduate run this time

So this morning I set out with my own playlist and RunKeeper. I haven't figured...
Miss_T_Ide profile image

Any one suffered with sciatic pain?

Ever since I started the longer runs (40 mins plus) I have had an odd , not real...
katiebell888 profile image

W2R1 done!

Really pleased with myself.. I was a bit nervous, but it was actually ok, even w...
topsychicks profile image

C25K to C210K

I completed the C25K last year and am now trying on the C210K program. I found t...
paulg01 profile image

Reconciling with my training buddy

My partner and I started a few weeks ago. Last week, at the end of week 2 partne...
ZoomZoom profile image

Yes, I did it!

Today, I did it! Week 9 run 3. I even mapped the route on the website: walkrun...
Yeshe profile image

I'm on wk6r2 and really into this programme. I need some holiday advice!

I'm going on holiday next week and I really don't want to lose momentum. I have ...
Sarahsox profile image

week 3 run 1 !

week 3 run 1 9.00pm tonight in the pouring rain but wow i feel great!!
DaveRunner profile image

Any suggestion on carrying a Backpack when running??

Ok, it is cold, dark, windy and rainy most of the time, AND I feel too lazy to g...
Mini13 profile image

See the Speed!

Well, not really! But today was the first time that you can really see the diffe...
LightDark profile image

Have got to W5, run 1 completed - nervous as anything!

As the title says, I've got to W5, about to do R2. I'm so nervous about what is ...
mzlouise profile image

Yay! Just managed my first 8 min run in the windy weather! And just missed the rain must be my lucky day!

Sat down now and legs are buzzing but in a good way i think! Bring on the spag...
aliboo70 profile image

Really need motivation to get of my bum

Had a rubbish day at working not feeling great had a big indian last night but k...
Twilight1 profile image


woo hoo! finally started week 2. run one was awesome. run two not so great. agai...
betcha1982 profile image

Phoebe Run

Had a very tricky run tonight. I never felt like I got into a proper rhythm but ...
Tready profile image

Week 4 run3 tick

Yay!!#!! Did it!really thought I would n't as last run felt hard.Not saying it w...
pot58 profile image

Wooooo hooooooo!

I did it, w9r3 done and dusted, it took a while but my god I feel fab, after my ...
Jusforfun profile image

W5R1 Did this today- felt good and positive and now on a bit of a downer!

Hi all ,I went off to the park to do this today, I didn't want the lorries and c...
no-excuse profile image