Longest run for me ever plus first time runnin... - Couch to 5K

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Longest run for me ever plus first time running in heavy rain!

Beek profile image
26 Replies

So I decided in bed last night that I would do the first part of my usual route and then shoot off towards the next village, round the fishing ponds then back. (No outdoor gym this side of the river) When it came to getting myself up though - what a battle! Duvet too lusciously warm! Eventually succeeded!

I have a Queen album on the phone. That was fine to run to at first but got a bit samey so switched to comic mode and listened to Monty Python album. Worked wonderfully to keep mood light. I'd forgotten just how silly they are :)

Most of my running was into a very cold easterly wind. Then the heavy rain started. Quickly donned my thin waterproof - what a huge difference to my warmth! Beany hat on and off again. I had gone out with no particular plan, really enjoyed it and ended up covering 9.96km in 91 minutes. I am quite pleased with that! And I really didn't mind the rain, although it does sting your face a bit. I'd say that's a really good run for me. In fact I am smiling more as I think about it.

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Beek profile image
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26 Replies
weighty80 profile image

Cool!.... or cold.... and soggy. But good run! :D

Irishprincess profile image

Sounds fantastic! Great run and really well done on the distance. You're a 10k'er!

Oldgirl profile image

Well done Beek, its not easy running longer distances in the winter months, especially in the rain and wind. Will have to have a search for Monty Python, I loved that silly humour ;)

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Oldgirl

Hi Oldgirl,

I kept thinking this morning about your post on Fartlek running and applied a bit of that. We tend to consider walking spells as a no no but I found they really helped me to keep my energy going.

And the silly humour had me giggling my way round! Laughter is always a bonus! (I am still glowing smug with the result :)

danzargo profile image

9.9K!!!!! That's totally amazing Beek. And in rain too. Well done you.......which QUEEN album?

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to danzargo

Hi Dan! I am still feeling rather smug. But do you know what? This is the first time I have ever experienced feeling energised by the running. I'm absolutely buzzing! (Began to think it was an urban myth) Looking forward to doing it again very soon! :)

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to danzargo

Oh! It is Queen, A Day At The Races. The other one I've got is The Game.

My son put all kinds of music into my android phone ages ago - I have only just found out how to access it when using Endomondo. (I am feeling incredibly good at the mo!)

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Beek

You Techy Genius you!

Tinyrun profile image

That's great Beek. I think listening to something that takes your mind off the run can make a huge difference. I listened to speed podcast and can't believe my average splits were slower then when I run for slightly longer at a very slow pace! May be it was the mud. Am also waiting for that energised feeling, send some down please.

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Tinyrun

Thanks Tinyrun. I didn't particularly like the Speed podcast but I guess the mud will have held you back a lot!

I have been running since May and this is the very first time I have felt such a buzz. I will gladly share it with you, it is so potent! I think I am getting a glimpse of what people mean when they talk about 'being hooked' because I can't wait to get out there and do it all again!

Hope you feel it very soon!

Tinyrun profile image

Thanks. I was disappointed at how slow I could be. I tried speed podcast once before & I didn't like it then either. I only recently graduated, so I think just sticking to doing 5k's with the aim of reducing my time a little well be my next plan. You must feel very chuffed with yourself. Good on you.

Beek profile image

I think I am still feeling this runners 'high'. Never felt like this before, in fact I didn't believe it was true until now!

Don't be disappointed with a slower run. In my experience I found that running through mud makes you slide all over the place and makes you very cautious where you place your feet trying not to fall. And all the gloop sucking at your feet must make a big difference to your speed!

I am just trying to keep getting out and doing 5k+ and gradually shave a little time off. I think it's more about getting out there and not stressing about times too much.

Hope you are feeling better about your last run - it was out, running and will have done you good! Try not to beat yourself up - it really is not necessary! WELL DONE YOU for getting out in this grotty weather!

Tinyrun profile image

Ah thanks Beek. Yes that run can bog off. I do quite like the rain. You'll be feeling high for a while now. Who knows what you'll do next. :-D

nextjenn profile image

That is amazing! 9.96k! Wows, very impressed, how amazing you must feel! More posts please, I'm all enthused! :D

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to nextjenn

Thanks nextjenn! Never felt like this before - feels great!

Fitfor60 profile image

You are an inspiration beek What an achievment 10 k in just over 90 mins wow! Do you remember when you were pleased to have run for 90 secs? Your happiness is oozing out of my computer No stopping you now

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Thank you. Best feeling ever!

ju-ju- profile image

sounds wonderful, well done you!!

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks Juju! No where near your lovely posts but great feelings!

Hules profile image

Wow! That's amazing- enjoy the smug zone you deserve it. I am hoping to do a longer run tomorrow as I have taken a day off just for me (rather than child care and other stuff!) - your post has inspired me :-)

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Hules

Good luck tomorrow and enjoy the day off!

Carolecal profile image

Wow,well done Beek...that's amazing ! Just reading your post and your replies I can feel your 'runners high' !

How fantastic to capture that feeling ....hope this is the start of many more such runs for you :)

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Thank you Carolecal, What an amazing feeling and a new one for me! Looking forward to the next time now I know it's not just an urban myth! :)

Poppy2010 profile image

Well done! Sounds like a great run... I love to listen to podcasts on my longer runs; but have also run to Queens greatest hits occasionally too! I have very little music on my phone; but do have daughters Ipod with her albums and a couple of mine on. Getting around a new area and finding nice places to run is a real pleasure, and as I have planned to increase my runs by 1km this week then 0.5km for the next three weeks (thanks Jantastic) I think I will be trying out a few more country lanes! :-)

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Poppy2010

Thankyou Poppy, I am still feeling good about it. Slept like a log last night - although I've only just got up (11.15!)

This Jantastic is a great motivator isn't it? At this time of year the cosy duvet is hard to resist.

Happy running!

Secondtimelucky profile image

...well done you, I was just about to go out of the door and the heavens opened...just waiting for a break in the weather so hopefully will do my WK4 run 3 :-)

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