W5R1 Did this today- felt good and positive an... - Couch to 5K

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W5R1 Did this today- felt good and positive and now on a bit of a downer!

no-excuse profile image
15 Replies

Hi all ,I went off to the park to do this today, I didn't want the lorries and cars, rather I wanted a bit of peace and quiet and Laura's motivation. I was a bit daunted by the 5 minute runs and wanted somewhere a bit calmer to gather my thoughts. Anyway, I did it! I was so pleased with myself, it wasn't too bad, at least I did it!

Came home really quite pleased and believing that anything is possible. The only problem is I looked at mapmyrun out of interest to see how far I had gone and it was only 3.3 km, I knew I was slow because the only way I would have managed was to go slow, but really! I feel like this is taking all my effort and ok, I know I have improved after each week and the recovery after the run is quicker, but I feel a bit down now because I am just plodding around. Maybe I should not look at mapmyrun and just enjoy what I am doing because up until I looked at the blimmin thing I have been enjoying this.

Any suggestions? I'm sure I could walk quicker! x

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15 Replies
misswobble profile image

It's only week 5! Don't worry,

you build up speed as you get fitter so take it one run at a time

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to misswobble

Thanks misswobble- I think I just lost my feel-good hormones today! I'm usually very positive so will pull myself up and get back out there on Thurs!

Zizzy profile image

Definitely ignore this metric. Your (our) current goal is increasing the length of time you run for, - which you've done. This is increasing your stamina, strength and fitness. Speed and distance travelled will increase later. Think of them as a by-product and not a goal.

I know what you mean because I've got a Garmin and inevitably I look at my speed and distance which are pitiful. But I want to be fit and slim, I'm not wanting to win races.

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to Zizzy

Thanks Zizzy- yes like you I don't want to race and I want fitness so I am sure speed will come ,I'm feeling more positive again now, I can definitely recover more quickly so I need to keep things in perspective!

greenstar profile image

Ditto - it doesn't matter if you run at the same pace as you walk, as long as you have 2 feet off the ground at the same time, you're fine. My plan is to get myself fit enough to run for 30 minutes, and only then will I start worrying about my speed.

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to greenstar

Good plan greenstar! I must do the same. I just about have both feet off the ground at the same time. I'm not usually negative- onwards & upwards!

Jaqs99 profile image

What they said! Don't look at the figures. I did that run today too! We must be twins! I was soo slow a squirrel on the wall was overtaking me! But the achievement is how far we've come not how far we run(yet!) Good luck with W5R2, I'm nervous about that one, when are you doing it? My plan is Thurs, gulp!

no-excuse profile image

Hi Jaqs- squirrels are a bit nifty though aren't they! Yes like you I plan to do R2 on Thurs- and I know I feel better after each run so things must be looking up. Must have just had a bit of a tantrum when I saw that distance - I suppose because I felt like I'd run at least twice what mapmyrun said! I am normally very positive and cheery- honest. Good luck with run 2- let us know how it goes. x

colleyflower profile image

What everyone else said, plus don't get hung up on C25K actually getting you running 5K initially. In one of the later podcasts Laura does say that the aim is to get you running for 30 minutes continuously. There are any number of us graduates who are still taking over 30 minutes to run 5K, and I think this can be a bit disappointing initially. There is a series of C25K+ podcasts you can download from NHS choices when the time comes that aim to improve your speed and stamina.

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to colleyflower

Thanks colleyflower you're right, I mustn't get disappointed, at least I'm out there! I feel better about things now- must have been a wobbler day!

revpg profile image

Yesterday, when I was listening to Laura on WK7, she said it is not about speed but about building up strength and resilience. I am on week 7 but I am running, barely, more a light jog. When Laura told me this, I felt better about focusing on strength and not speed.

I just follow the podcast and enjoy myself. I have no idea what my speed is, nor do I care. I'm probably doing about one and a half miles each time I go out but, as I'm making progress anyway, I don't let anything else bother me. I am a bit of a technophobe so just stick with my MP3 player for the podcasts. I'm not that interested in other apps and if they make someone feel disappointed at times (as I've read on the forums here) then I am glad I do not use other apps. Enjoy your running, good luck with the rest of the programme and just do it for YOU. Best wishes.

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to

You're so right Fitmo, I shouldn't take notice of speed etc at this stage of things, as long as I follow those podcasts and keep making progress. And of course, more importantly, enjoy it. Thanks for your words of encouragement.

misswobble profile image

I know it's a light jog but I found that when I began running with a club they lightly jog too. I dare say they can turn up the heat when they need to, but for the most part they are content to just jog. So, I figure they know what to do so I just kept on jogging with them. I watch folks running round town and they are jogging as well so I think we're doing it right. Jog on peeps!

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to misswobble

thanks misswobble - I thoroughly enjoyed my jog today- progress is being made!

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