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Couch to 5K

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All posts for September 2012

I Only Went and Did It!

Did it! I did it! I finished and I can't quite believe it. Decided as this was m...
derbydoc profile image

Week one done :-) yey

Got out for my 3rd run tonight (2nd attempt after epic fail Sunday) went pretty ...

t'was week 9 eve and all through the house...

I'm due to run week 9 run 1 tomorrow morning and I'm sitting here all excited li...
mattaitch profile image
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I did it......then I did it again, only 2 days later!!!

Run for 25 minutes!!!! Wk7 r1. Wondered if I'd be able to as after running f...
nickinocki profile image

Help where do I restart ??

Unfortunately due to various problems i have not been able to get out running fo...
icandothis profile image

All by myself.....

That's sort of what I was singing on the way round this evening or would have be...
Beads profile image

Has anyone suffered with anaemia since becoming a runner?

I'm off to the doctors for blood tests on Friday as he suspects I have become ae...
MrsBirdsnest profile image

Looping the intervals, so near and yet so far from that 5K PB!

Well! After spending a while a couple of nights ago with Wavepad and looping my ...
CaroleC profile image

Another C25K newbie Question!

Hi there, I have just started the programme this week, in fact I did my very 1st...
Highlea profile image

Brrr its starting to get cold! Which long sleeved running top to buy for a bloke?

So i've been running in karrimor x-lite shorts and short sleaved top since I sta...
mark909 profile image


I cant believe it today, here was me keep saying im a slow runner, I still am bu...
littlejan profile image
Graduate repeate or not???

hi all, to all you runners who repeated weeks, what do you feel you gained from ...
SKessex78 profile image

5K+..which first

Just a quickie...i know you all love Speed or Stamina first?? Just...
sonicsplodge profile image

Oh my Lordy lordy AGAIN

Erm...where to start. Suppose the beginning might be good. I graduated C25K few ...
sonicsplodge profile image

Only 3 more runs til graduation

This evening I run the third run of week 8. I seemed to find a good pace soon af...
BettyJane profile image

Week 2 Run 3, should have done this yesterday

Ok so I moved up to my new house for uni and its so boring here with no internet...
Jodie92 profile image

Outer ankle pain - can't run - help!!!

For the past few days, I have had pain in my left outer ankle, around the ankle ...

Starting off

Just finished week 1 day 2. I've never been keen on running so want to keep the...
kf96 profile image

First Tempo Run - And a very fetching green badge

The following phrase should be said in the styleee of 'Janice' from Friends (Cha...
ceefin profile image

Achilles problem?

I have a very slight discomfort at the back of my heel. No way is it painful it...
christian1 profile image

Yipee, completed Couch to 5K challenge!!!

Thank you Laura and everyone involved in this fab program, NHS couch to 5K. I ne...
justdoit profile image

Inch Loss - OMG!!!!!!!!

So I completed W5R3 this morning - already blogged about that ;) - and while in ...
Fraz73 profile image

Week 7 Run 1 - 5.01 k - Whats going on????

6 short weeks ago I was that "Reluctant Husband" who had been encouraged by my w...
Reluctanthusband profile image

So happy! :o)

In Ron Burgundy style...come and see how good my badge looks! happy, ...
Rachw8778 profile image

Return after injury

Hello everyone. Lovely to see so many new bloggers on here! I've had a 2 month ...
Benmum profile image

Does walking 9 miles count as a rest day (I'm knackered!)

Vitty profile image

Stepping Stones - It felt just like W5R3 (in a good way)

My C25k t-shirt arrived today (woo too), so I just HAD to take it out for a run!...
Soozz profile image


Yayyyy I finally got my badge, that makes it all worth while, just felt I needed...
littlejan profile image

Help with where to go next!!!!

Hi all My running history so far, I have finished the c25k program a few days...
littlejan profile image

W1 R1 - Thank you to all the lovely people who have helped me start my first run!

I'm not sure I would have done it if the lovely people on this forum hadn't resp...
mundomagic profile image