Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for October 2017

Week 4 Run 3. - First Run Outside!

What a wimp, I hear you cry. Problem: Staying away from home, no gym at Hotel,...
johnm12 profile image

Week 7 run 1 - could I have taken it a bit faster?

Feeling fine but a bit non-plussed. My joints and muscles were stiff still, even...
Downtwo profile image

Week 8 Run 2

Well I lost my running mojo for a while.. should be on week 9 but I'm trying not...
RunningKeir profile image
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In for a penny.....!

To celebrate finishing Week 5 I’ve been to a proper running shop and been assess...
Renidragas profile image

Advice please online buddies!

Ok, knee officially buggered after my date with the waves today. Can walk ok, b...
Polly2810 profile image

Week 4

Just completed week 4 just checked and found wk5 run 3 is 20mins!!! Help!
nick49 profile image

Photos from my recent sponsored 5K Run.

As you may know, I recently did a sponsored run, for Yorkshire Wildlife Park Fou...
Christene profile image

Not too bad....

I completed W2R1 this morning without any dramas Day off tomorrow for an eye inj...
Hidden profile image

Week 4 Run 2

I have done it but I wasn’t looking forward to it tried to cheat myself into not...
gavmc profile image


Hi, Looking at people’s posts everyone seemed to have enjoyed week 3’s 3 min ru...
Zarminam profile image

First run after graduating so tried C25K+

Well after my graduation 5K on Saturday my legs were a bit sore so I had a coupl...
KatyKaycd profile image

Kept going

After completing week6 on Friday I was so happy and ready for week 7. But over t...
FlossnCharlie profile image

Insert big cheesy grin 😃😃

Well, who would have believed it? Certainly not me! I started this caper on ...
JaneM21 profile image

Another one nearer to that graduation 👨‍🎓

Yay it wasn't just a fluke running 25 mins on Friday I've managed to do it again...
Shelby1973 profile image

My friends that run outside ...

A simple question ... How do you plan a running route? Do you run until you th...
Christene profile image


DONE!!! Have found each week that 1st run ok 2nd run seems to be a struggle and ...
Neverrunbefore64 profile image

w8r2 struggled tonight

maybe because i ate late or its the first warm night or a combination of both, f...
25kdown profile image

It's smug grin time - Cheers!

Graduation run this morning, Woo Hoo! I'm so proud of myself for making it! I'd...
Indigogirl profile image


Took myself out of the park to complete this week, find running on the road more...
BurlyBean profile image

First ever holiday run..... 😎🏃🏼‍♀️

I have truly enjoyed my first holiday run. After setting my alarm for 7am, I was...
Tracey73 profile image


After 4 shifts and a dodgy stomach it was good to get out again. I was slightly ...
Pennyj66 profile image

Morning run

So, I arrived back from Limerick around 10pm Friday evening and by the time I'd ...
LeeU profile image

Week 6 run 1 phew!

I'll admit I was not looking forward to another 20 minute run. Oh what joy to h...
LexMis profile image

The day after the first run before...

No aches or pains! 🎉
diannec1985 profile image

Week 5 run 3 what a surprise

This run was a total shock and surprise. I was so used to the walk run sandwich...
LexMis profile image

Trainer tips anyone?

Can anyone tell me about training shoes. I dont want fashion ones, I want runnin...
Ubercrone profile image

Out of training going back to couch to 5k

I'm looking at doing the couch to 5k again to get back into training, it's a gre...
Roadie985 profile image

Week 2 run 1

Was easier than expected. Probably because I was on grass away from traffic, not...
1slowcoach profile image

Week 2 run 2

Just completed wk2 r2 and found it quite hard this morning, the hardest of all t...
Laurarun profile image

Running on grass or tarmac?

Morning I went for my W4R2 this morning and found it harder than I was expectin...
Lizziemac73 profile image