Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for February 2014

Whoop whoop got the all clear

Yes ! I can get back into the running , been & seen physio & got the go ahead . ...
Rockette profile image


I'm such a slob. I lay in AGAIN until 10am this morning and coming from a family...
danzargo profile image


Run 1 is done...just!!.. 1st 90 sec run was ok..I've a habit of running too fast...
juliewooly profile image
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Week 6 run 1 again, I did it!!!

Hello everyone, I'm back! After 2 weeks off with ankle sprain went straight back...
kutch70 profile image

Miserable :-(

Had reached the heady heights of week 5 run 2....Then ( and still) disaster( dru...
pot58 profile image

its here

now this has made my day
moger profile image

The end is nigh! Things I have learnt on my journey - thank you to you all for your inspiration. Think OTT Oscar Speech :-)

Several years ago I was diagnosed with a severe form of arthritis which to be fa...
Mum2run profile image

Thanks to all who answered my last question - now - how do I stop running like a baby elephant? No spring in my step at all

Hawkfall profile image

stats time

just been checking my map my run stats and i thought id would share with you goo...
moger profile image

This has probably been answered many times before, but how do you know how far you have run, how can I find out if I can actually run 5K?

Hawkfall profile image

I think I'm injured but I'm not sure?

Hi all, I've been running since Oct and so far not had anything hurt that hasn't...
kt12345 profile image


Oh dear. I have had a very sore throat and general lack of energy and appetite a...
turnturtle profile image

Started today at gym.

Hi, I completed w1r1 today and am amazed and really proud of myself. Having to d...
seenthelight profile image

Graduated after 7 months - the longest 9 weeks ever!

I couldnt even run 10 seconds to start with, had to abandon C25K for a while and...
helcl profile image

couch cat to panther...reflections of a year

It is exactly one year today that I started on week 1 run 1 on a whim when I hap...
ju-ju- profile image

Week 2 run 3

I have just completed week 2 run 3.. The last run was the first time I really st...
Cath110 profile image

2 more converts

i have escaped london my freinds being impressed with how good i looked will be...
moger profile image

W5 R2 attempt 1... Need some encouragement!

Well. I thought I'd give it a go... I started poorly. Still have bad cough. So I...
mustgetthin profile image

20 minutes done! Feel so proud :)

YES! I did it! I was a bit scared to go out today, knowing what was in store. Wh...
Hidden profile image


Hello folks. I have just invested in yet another running item of clobber - compr...
danzargo profile image

Restarting from week 5.1- nearly died!!

So off I went wed morning(suppose to be tuesday but hid under the duvet) , thoug...
Run-ragged profile image

Cycling causing running problems?

Hello all, I have just completed week 3 of C25k and am really struggling with f...
Court_Jester profile image

Week 9 Run 3 Completed - Graduation Woohoo!

I can't believe it, I've just finished Week 9 - am over the moon, I never ever t...
sarahlouhammond profile image

My 100th run!!!

Due to my slightly obsessional love of data and statistics, I realised a few wee...
runningnearbeirut profile image

Hurrah completed Week 6 run 3

After doing run 1 and 2 this week i never in a million years thought i would be ...
bunnyb22 profile image

W5R1 done!

I am so chuffed to be able to say I have made it to the half way mark without mi...
Dusty345 profile image

Difficult run (w3 r2)

Just posting to give some hope to those who feel like they're struggling in the ...
Fiddler71 profile image

Rain and wind but new run,new music....... and to top it off a seaside view!!

Well just back from w7r3, when i left home it was drizzling, not so bad i though...
aliboo70 profile image

Sore Toes (weird feet)

I've been doing this for a while now but I have recently added long walks of bet...
SVR28 profile image

missed a week, now what?

Last Wed I completed week 5 run 3. It was great and I felt great. But with half ...