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Couch to 5K

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All posts for December 2012

My first attempt at treadmill running and I felt and looked like a plonker ........

..... and don't tell me I didn't, to make it worse I was in front of full length...
chusan51 profile image

Brass Monkeys and Short Legs

For the third time in the last week I have run in sub-zero, aka brass-monkey eff...
DeliaItaly profile image

W3R1 due tomorrow

I started after a break of 10 days due to flu, but I managed to completed the We...
CouchCarrot profile image
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W8R1 - Done it!

Well I did it - 28mins non-stop but the pace slowed up considerably (7 kph) but ...
Orroroo profile image

W8R2 done, hip flaming hooray!

I did it! W8R2 was a right dogs dinner yesterday but I nailed it tonight. Mind...
Hidden profile image

technology in quick time

off i set tonight at my W1R4, thought it was going really well, feeling quite ch...
joblotone profile image

Week one over and I'm worried ........

Well W1R3 completed even though it's freezing outside and pitch dark along some ...
Wybrook profile image

What are the podcast runs?

I use the c25k free app instead of the podcasts and it is one week shorter than ...
NikkiJayne profile image

Chuffing cold or what????

Been a week since my last run due to work and family,,(well its that time of yea...
Jimbob74 profile image

Wk 8 run 1.. Feeling great but concerned that I am running too slowly?

I can't believe I am a runner! At 48 I have never run before even avoiding cro...
expat profile image

Running in the buff......

....or more accurately, a buff. After complaining in previous blogs about the e...
earl-grey-sian profile image

Week 2, Run 2.

Up at the crack of dawn so as to get my run in before work. Five runs in I've re...
Fingalo profile image

Calf pain

I've had tightness in my right calf for a while now and I've made sure I stretch...
sfb350 profile image

If you graduated in November, post here

Connect with your fellow November graduates by posting a bit about you & your Co...
JR21 profile image

Wk7R3 again and again and again

I'm like a stuck record. I reached Wk7R3 about 7 weeks ago. My zippy feet were...
zippyfeet profile image

Parkrun results

Results for Ashton Court parkrun, event number 82, 08/12/2012. 109 participants ...
tygfuz profile image

week 2 run1 - YES!!!

Good morning to all you runners. I have done the first run this week and though ...
shakylegs profile image

It was all going so well....

I can't tell you all how much I've enjoyed the first two weeks of the programme....
Mandamus73 profile image


Hi All, Well I finished my final run last night in the blistering cold. I had...
puressence73 profile image

W9 R3 complete - Where do I get my badge.

I suppose this one has been asked a thousand times, but here goes again. How do ...
puressence73 profile image

W8R2 disaster!

Well yesterdays run was a total disaster, my first failure! I set out full of go...
Hidden profile image

How do I download the app to help me train?

Bean23 profile image

I'm a fake!

Ha ha, I had a fab run this morning, decided to set minimum goal of 30 minutes, ...
vixiej profile image

Week one again

Well after a disasterous W1R3 on friday in the rain sleet and hail stones, even ...
joblotone profile image

Who in their right mind starts a running programme in December?

I've tried to 'become a runner' many times and to some degree I've always suceed...
ty272 profile image

Third 10k race today in wet and windy Aberystwyth. Could have done better!

I signed up for this race in Sept as soon as I got back from my last 10k (which ...
Deryn61 profile image

Santa Dash Ho Ho over

A few months ago, a discussion in the pub led to me discovering the C25K and ent...
Treborstone profile image

Man this is good......

I had planned to run yesterday as we were going away to visit family and I knew ...
Jeddahpm profile image

nagging spouses

hey there does anyone out there have a spouse that nags them when they go out ru...
givman profile image

Week 5 Run 3 take two!

Went out just before 4 to do my Week 5 Run 3 and started struggling after 5 minu...
auranya profile image