If you graduated in November, post here - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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If you graduated in November, post here

JR21 profile image
20 Replies

Connect with your fellow November graduates by posting a bit about you & your Couch to 5k journey.

If you haven't got your graduate badge yet, send me a message and I'll make sure you get yours.

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JR21 profile image
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20 Replies
fatmumslim profile image

Hi JR21 - I graduated on 16th November - please can I have my badge :)


JR21 profile image
JR21 in reply to fatmumslim

I don't know how I missed you Susan but awarded your badge this morning. Well done!

fatmumslim profile image
fatmumslimGraduate in reply to JR21

Ooooh lovely green badge - many thanks JR21 :)


DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to fatmumslim


Do you think we should advertise the Xmas challenge more? Not sure how, but there are only 15 of us enrolled. A bit disappointing, don't you think? xox delia

psarapsych profile image
psarapsychGraduate in reply to DeliaItaly

Hi D... where and what is the Xmas challenge.. as you know I've been 'off' for a while but just checked in and found this page :-). As a November Graduate I'm in on the challenge if I can get started again :-) xox

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to psarapsych

Fatmumslim has organised a Xmans challenge. All you need to do is sign up:


and, of course, run on Christmas Day -- or at least I think that's what we're supposed to do! xox

psarapsych profile image
psarapsychGraduate in reply to DeliaItaly

Heeeeeeeeee Heeeeeeeeee D... Glad you're not organising a P... Up in a brewery - joking :-). No, i just loved that rider xox

willnevie profile image

Pleease can I have mine? I graduated in October, didnt think I'd manage it but am now running 7k!

Tityre profile image

I graduated in November, having completed the programme without any problems. However, I was running VERY slowly, and still haven't managed to run 5K.

I have been finding it difficult to complete three runs a week with the shorter daylight hours, so yesterday I went for an induction session at the gym. I got put on an 18-minute programme of alternating two-minute intervals - but it is at least helping me to increase my speed.

I've been continuing with the Week 9 podcast for my runs outside, and am definitely getting faster; but there is a huge gap between the tempo of the music in Week 9 and the start tempo of Stepping Stones, so it will be a while before I manage that!

Pearsey profile image

I started my post Grad runs with Stepping Stones-very useful education. I then progressed to Stamina-which I loved!! Difficult to keep this to once a week, lol!! I then attempted Stamina. OMG this was grueling! I was truly exhausted towards the end, and commencing running (or somehow moving) up a slight incline a very large dog rushed me from the front. Normally I would have stopped, but I didn't and stepped sideways leaving my left knee behind and wrenching it as I turned. The upshot is no running for 5 weeks! I had to see my osteopath and compensation made my lower disc bulge in my back. He treated my knee too, and it turns out I have partially torn the cartilage. I have exercises to do-and checked by googling exercise runners knee and obtaining a YouTube that showed me I am doing them correctly, but still in pain. I was wearing a sport support until yesterday. it seems better without it. I am also dousing my knee morning and night with alternatively cold then hot water, as again advised in archive blog about this condition, and applying Arnica jel with anti inflammatory, which is a great help. My main problem is in the evening. I hope that I can return to running soon, and will start slowly to begin with. I'd be grateful for any advice from anyone who has had to treat the same problem.

psarapsych profile image
psarapsychGraduate in reply to Pearsey

Oh Colette, you poor thing :-(... I'm off running for a while too so I really sympathise.

I don't know about your condition but it sounds horrible. Really pleased you are using the Arnica. One thing I can tell you about and it is REALLY miraculous for inflammation:

The Austrians never use medication where they can use nature's store cubboard and, mostly, it really works. This solution for inflammation is an overnight wonder and I've seen swellings reduce 100% after two applications....

basically get a load of Quark (not reduced fat) and spread it generously over the affected area, cover around with some kitchen paper and then with cling film and leave it on over night. I mix some arnica gel/oil into it just for a bit of extra whatnot (!). I had completely forgotten about it but will be applying it to my heels tonight and just know I'll be out running sooner than I would have otherwise imagined.

It sounds messy but it works an absolute treat. Once the cling film is on you can always put something firm around it like a knee support bandage or something, just to make sure it all stays in place. Obviously if you're having to sit around during the day you could do as many applications as you like - making sure the Quark is straight from the fridge.

I really am not sure what the active ingredient is but Doctors here will always suggest Quark (it's called Topfen here) as a first measure. They say it draws out the inflammation and it really does and reduces the swelling.

Hope this helps

Sara xox

Pearsey profile image
Pearsey in reply to psarapsych

Oh Sara, that sounds good! I will remember (or rather copy and paste into Word) for another time.

I took off the support yesterday-and lo and behold the knee was so much better without it! It isn't half as painful as it was (was it the support doing the dirty on me?). But, i am still doing the hc and Arnica.

That Quark thing sounds really good. Thank you for that :-)


RainbowC profile image

Looking back and counting up on my fingers (OK, my phone actually!) I graduated on November 25th. I started in September after thinking about it for around six months. It took me 11 weeks in total, and I'm running about 2.5-2.8 miles in 30 mins now. I keep thinking about trying the 5k+ podcasts, but haven't yet (does anyone spot a theme here?!). Maybe tomorrow I'll be brave enough... I definitely want to get to 5k in 30 mins, so that's my next goal. One of my daughters has lightly challenged me to carry on running to 5k, so I need to try that soon just to find out what my time is.

I also got a colleague started on this plan, and my mum has started running occasional intervals while she's out walking, so I'm doing my best to share the joy! ;) Best of all, Mr Rainbow is astonished that I've kept it up for so long - particularly that I've kept going, even having finished the plan. And he's starting to realise that this is important to me, so is being more co-operative about me finding time to run :)

Foylefiend profile image

Hi all, I graduated on 23rd November and I'm still chuffed to bits with my lovely green badge :-) I had one go at Stepping Stones but it's too fast for me at the moment. I've bee concentrating on doing the 5k and trying to get a bit quicker but the cold air has been really affecting my breathing. Went out tonight though and followed Internet advice to try breathing through my nose, which seemed to work and I ran 5.5k, a little slower than usual but still pleased. Have registered for parkrun but not been yet. Hope to get there in January :-) ( still can't believe it's me saying this stuff sometimes). Well done everyone and keep enjoying :-) FF

Treborstone profile image

Hi all,

I started out as a secret runner, fearing an embarrassing failure especially as like many others I struggled with Week 1! However I stuck with it, and by the time I'd completed Week 5, I knew I'd be able to complete the program if I stuck with it, and gradually I started to let it slip that I'd started running.

I graduated in mid November after 10 or 11 weeks taking just under 31 minutes to do 5k and was on top of the world. I have continued to run 2 or 3 times per week since graduating, and last weekend I completed my first ever event, a 5k Santa Dash.

I feel a huge sense of achievement at completing this as it was tough going, and now I just need to figure out what targets to set myself next. One unexpected thing that I have learned about myself is that I respond well to a structured program with small targets along the way. So over Christmas I will be mulling over what to aim for next. Faster? Further? or simply entering another event?

One last thing, Thanks to everyone who posts on these forums, I lurked for a long time before I posted, and it was a great inspiration to know that others were having the same problems as me and overcoming them.

Happy Running.


psarapsych profile image

Hi Everyone.... in spite of my enforced rest (boy am I jealous of you all being out there in the snow....) I decided to get my act together and pop in again and this question of John's seems like a good place to start :-)...

I had a great 9 weeks - no hitches and even did my Graduate Run in 30 mins (oh.. and 32 seconds). I haven't repeated that since but have come reasonably close. I've done a couple of Stepping Stones, which I really liked (it felt like being back with Laura in the early days) and a couple of Stamina runs which are great too.

My aim was to just carry on for a while in this vein, adding speed to the mix as well WHEN....

My ongoing heel spurs (growing in the direction of my achilles tendons) are rendering me almost on all fours first thing in the morning. I now have insoles and my Doctor has started me on a course of ultrasound and electric stimulation with a slight frown at my desire to run during the treatment...

At first I ignored him - I had two treatments and was due for a Stamina run last Wednesday which I did do in excellent time BUT... since then the morning pain has been too much soooo sadly, I'm having to let go and be sensible... for a while.

I know that Santa has some funky winter running gear planned for me so perhaps I ought to be kind to myself and let my poor heels have a break while the inflammation clears. I got some heel gel cushions to put on top of my insoles yesterday and have been told that even if my feet are a bit higher in the trainers that's okay - I certainly hope so.

Anyway, a big hug to all you November graduates and someone please let me know about the Xmas Run...

Sara xox

DeliaItaly profile image

Hi everyone! I started out in July with a 6 week glitch in September when I broke my wrist (not running, tripped over myself in the bedroom :-D) and graduated on November16th in London. Have run 30 minutes 3 times a week ever since come rain or come shine, but mostly in freezing temperatures. I am really enjoying this running lark -- I do a 30 minute run to my playlist every Sunday and a couple of stepping stones and/or speeds for the other runs. Haven't tried stamina yet but I shall. Daughter Becky is on week 3 and as soon as she catches up with me I'll/we''ll go for the 10K training.

This has been one of the best things I've ever done-- who would have thought that on the edge of the BIG 6-0, Delia would run 5K? That she would drop a dress size? That she could see her abs -- OK so it's not a six pack, but who cares, I've now got a flat tummy with visible muscles without having done a single sit-up. I wish someone had got me into this 30 years ago! Eat your heart out Miss Keeling -- my PE teacher who had lost all hope -- if you could only see me now!

Big hugs to all fellow November graduates. Delia xox

pinklady1 profile image

Hi, I graduated back in November. I thought I'd sent you a message directly a few weeks ago, but I can't even see my message so maybe I didn't! Please could I have a graduate badge??

I'm not able to run at the moment due to a sprained ankle after falling down the stairs some weeks ago..... I was gutted. The hospital said not to run for 6-8 weeks, but I'm desperate to get back out there, and even more so after getting running presents for Xmas!! Sue

surbhidec24 profile image

Hi! I graduated today after 6 months of starting, restarting and again falling and standing up!

Week 9 up finally! Please provide a graduate badge! :)

Thanks in Advance

Zev1963 profile image

I graduated on 7th Nov. I started at the beggining of September. I can't remember how I came accross the couch to 5k plan, but when I did in August it intrigued me and I downloaded the Laura podcasts from the NHS website with the intention of trying them sometime.

I already had the habit of walking for 2 and half hours along the north bank of the Loire on a Sunday afternoon. I'd listened to the first podcast, so one Sunday afternoon on one of my walks I decided to see if I could run for a couple of minutes. In the end I ran for a couple of minutes every 5 minutes during my walk. I felt a little self concious running in jeans and shoes, but it seemed I could do it :)

So, I decided. I bought myself some 30 euros running shoes from Decathlon, some cheap shorts and sports tops from the supermarket and set my alarm for 5h45 monday morning. 6h00 in the morning I was out of the door with Laura telling me to start my 5 minute warm up walk.

I kept to Lauras instructions religiously. No more and no less than Laura told me. Only one day was postponed. Man flu caused me to do my friday run on saturday ane week.

The first runs did cause some aching legs, but that didnt surprise me, or bother me. I considered that meant it must be strengthening my legs a bit.

Each week I felt I was making progress, and the post run achs and pains seemed a little less.

I finished C25K on Friday 7th and was delighted and astonished by the progress.

I did my first ParkRun at Leamington on 15th Nov with 277 place out of 320 and a time of 32mins 58secs which I was more than happy with considering Leamington ParkRun has quite a nice hill and some muddy stretches which I'd not previously encountered.

C25K was great, and I now intend to work towards 10K, possibly using the BUPA 10K plan. I'm already increasing my running time by 3mins per week. This week I'm running for 36mins.

Back in January I had half my left lung removed and could just about walk down to the river, rest on a bench for 15mins and then walk back home. For sure, by September I was able to walk for 3 hours, but I didnt feel that my fitness was back to before the op. Now after C25K I really feel as fit as I've ever been in my life, and really want to build on it.

I've become a C25K bore :D

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