So, I forgot about this lovely little community for a while.
This my third attempt at C25k, the last one being around six years ago(!) now. Ultimately, I decided running wasn't for me, did a fair amount of exercise at work, then 2020 happened and, well, the less said about that, the better. I started a new office job in 2023, put on a load of weight, then somehow got into a relationship, started swimming to drop some pounds without stressing my joints, then moved house so I couldn't feasibly use that pool anyone, my new local pool was naff... You get the picture.
After I had a little whinge about the state of my health around 6 months ago, my boyfriend and I decided to start going to the gym together. I started by doing some incline walking and weights, and then thoughts invaded my mind about how I never finished couch 2 5k before.
After shifting a bit more weight and hoping my knees would be able to handle it, I started again at the end of November. I've had a couple of setbacks, namely the Christmas period and a week of illness in early Feb, so I had to go back a few times, but this time I made sure not to give up. I ran mostly on the treadmill as I went to the gym with my boyfriend, but as it got to longer runs and the evenings got lighter, I started a few runs along the local canal. I've even done one alongside my local heritage railway (and got to see a steam train while doing it)!
I didn't think I'd actually get to the end, but today I've just done W9R2, and on the bloody treadmill which was my sworn enemy the last time I attempted the program. No knee problems, and I've just forked out a fair amount for some decent running shoes so I suppose I'll have to keep it up now! It's honestly been such a game changer for me. I don't feel nearly as sluggish, my mood has improved, my self esteem has skyrocketed, and I feel a sense of pride in myself that I haven't felt a very long time.
Hopefully by the end of the week, I'll officially be a C25k graduate. It's been a long time coming. 😄