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Couch to 5K

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All posts for April 2018


W3R2. Nice evening run although struggled with a cough and cold...x

A more successful run

I got it! I got patient 29's file! Go me! I dragged Dhiny with me on this, thoug...
MrsPsycho profile image

Week 7 already almost over!

Easter Saturday we did r1, and that was in a completely different setting at my ...
I_can_run profile image
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Run for my dad

Emotional run for me and first one since Saturday. My lovely, kind, funny dad pa...
AndG profile image

Graduation update weight update

Well today 5/2/18 I crossed the finish line and completed c25k. As you may know ...


Hi just (about) completed W4R3 with a bouncy dog in tow 😏 Being asthmatic I try...
Samnev profile image

Boom bust program completed 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

Well after 7 YES 7 30 min runs I’ve reached the end,or the beginning of somethin...

Week 1..Day 1

Just did my first run with Michael Johnson.. Loved it can't wait for day 2 woo h...
Jakki70 profile image

W7R2. Loved it!! 😁

Not long back from a fab run. Was so much better than my last, which was a real ...
Mand102 profile image

So close!!!

I’m so close to finishing I can almost touch it! I’m one run away from graduatin...
MrsE74 profile image

Week 2!

Newbie here....I’m on week 2 day 2 and it’s going good!! Can’t imagine that I’m ...
Natjayhad profile image

What a beautiful day...

...and I completed week 7 run 2 and it felt a bit easier than run 1. It really i...
Hidden profile image

I’ve started!

This is all new to me as I am very much a newbie but I felt I needed to post tha...
Keepcalm-keepsmiling profile image

Newbie stuck on week 3/4 - help?

Hey all! New poster here to vent/ get tips I've started on week 4 twice now of t...
Nenenene profile image

Just Starting

Hi to all Just starting out, 42, dodgy ankles, have not ran in years & overweigh...
mateinone profile image

Encouragement needed please

I am going to be 55 in 8 weeks. I needed to get fitter so I challenged myself. I...
LauraFR profile image

W1R2 in the bag!

So today was the day for the second run in week 1! I was feeling so unbelievabl...
Hoop18 profile image

w8r3 done:-)

Hurrah! W8run3 done! 28 minutes almost completely nonstop - started n the common...
SusieHicks profile image

Getting back into it

How on earth do I get back into this?? I was on week 7, run 2 and I injured my a...
Goofy78 profile image

I love running 🏃‍♀️

Never thought I’d be writing that 6 months ago! But having run this morning I’m ...
BLEWI profile image

Laughed at!

Difficult morning, I have admitted to a group of friends this morning that I hav...
Jullaly profile image

Toughee but donee!

Week 5 Run 3. I really wasn’t looking forward to this, partly because I knew I’d...
TailChaser profile image

Ooof that was tough - inner demons

Went out too fast but felt like was in a flow so didn’t/couldn’t slow down, con...
Tasha99 profile image

Sunshine and Sinuses

So doing the whole program again from scratch. Wk1 completed. Good to be back ou...
GingerBohemian profile image

Week 7 completed

Just completed my w7r3 in the sunshine and feeling good about next week. This pr...
Joyms profile image

Lovely spring morning run!

Now I understand why I prefer morning runs! Don’t think, just run. Enjoy! 🏃🏻...
Millsie-J profile image

Week 5, Run 3 = Yay I did it! :)

I did it (tortoise slowly) :P . Actually found it harder to control my breathin...
SuperMouse profile image


So four weeks after graduating I'm still running 3 x week. I've been listening t...
wifey259 profile image

Back on track

Having got to week 6 before then slipped back because of holidays, weather and i...
Ebee54 profile image

Gotta change these shoes

Ran for 3:49 of 5:00 today very disappointed, I feel like I’m going backwards an...
Hidden profile image