Easter Saturday we did r1, and that was in a completely different setting at my brother's home - much flatter than our route (not that ours is really hilly) but the biggest contrast - daylight! In fact it was MORNING. Very unusual for me to be moving before midday on a Saturday let alone real exercise but while rest of the family was enjoyed what until now has been our typical Saturday morning, we went for a couple of loops round the block for our first r1.
It felt a little heavy going compared to our usual route - mainly I suspect because it was pre-food and we hadn't really warmed up as much as one does just being awake all day. Maybe it was to do with the rather relentless nature of running at a constant (albeit zero) gradient.
And then for run 2 on Tuesday back to our late evenings at home. Knocking out the 25 minutes definitely feeling at least achievable - we don't doubt we can do it now it is just a question of getting out there and doing it!
Run 3 (which with w6r3 will be the fourth 25m run) will be interesting - it will be interesting whether we have improved at all - if not in speed then in comfort - over the week and a bit...not long to go to find out...