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Couch to 5K

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All posts for May 2016

Farewell to week 4

So, despite dodgy feet, driving rain (Wednesday) and a slight hangover (today), ...
cathalicious profile image

first run of week 2 done

wow, after spending the last 2 days, s******g a brick about starting week 2, i d...
saphxx profile image

So excited. New shoes.

I've finally taken the bull by the horns and been for a gait analysis and bought...
Pushing60 profile image
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week 3 - done :)

wow! who would have thought i would have completed week 3 - not me, that's for s...
ChelleUK profile image

W9R2 - Only 1 More to Graduation

Day 1 was done in the pouring rain on Wednesday with the gym's running group - i...
LessToLose profile image

Getting back?

I haven't posted for a while here as I have been a busy girl! I am keen to get b...
Hidden profile image

They called me a Runner 😃

Well I just did W7R3 and it was the hardest one yet. I have learned that drinkin...
Bundoodle profile image

Week 11, R1 and progress.

So another week starts and back to the park. I ran for 37 minutes, up from last...
bulgarianlily profile image

Friday Feeling!

I went for my run this morning and managed it no problems. I run with my sister...
lesley1663 profile image

You know you're addicted to running when...

...your boss asks you how you'd feel about changing your day off and the first t...
Sandraj39 profile image

W6R3 - suddenly getting a stitch??

I did weeks 1-5 without tooooo much difficulty - some heavy legs and gremlins to...
optimisticoxford profile image

End of wk 4 looking forward...

I ve just completed week 4 which was ok and I m really pleased with my self. Loo...
Tombenoly profile image

wk1 (officially) run3

Just finished run 3 of the first week and am absolutely buzzing (not sure that t...
pollyp1 profile image

Hello from almost the end :)

HI All I am new here and have just spent a week lurking and reading up on all t...
sadhanagopal profile image

This is what makes an athlete
yatesco profile image

Completed Week 2

Well finished the 3rd run of week 2 this morning. For some reason I struggled, I...
AndyIoW profile image

Can I really do Wk5 run3?

Just back from doing run 2 in week 5. It was so hard. I'm amazed that I did It e...
Shireenjoon profile image

W8R1 - Running and riding

No, I didn't cheat and do this one on horseback! The story about this run is tha...
Katie204 profile image

Back on track

Its been alongside time sińce i posted on here. I haven't given up the running ...
AniaParky profile image

W8R2 + Almost W8R3 + Parkrun Intentions

Hi everyone, just checking in. I was attempting run 3 on tuesday but had to abor...
Kallyfudge profile image

Random craziness I see on my run route #1

I love my run route! I am fortunate enough to live on the South coast of England...
cathalicious profile image

What a sh***y day! :(

This afternoon, after 13 years and a relocation from Italy to the UK, my company...
secan profile image

Week 1

Week 1 run 2 complete....

Hardest Run So Far!

Yahoo!!!!!! Finished week 9 day 3. It was the worst run I have ever had. My ch...
lesley1663 profile image

Parkrun Tourism

How to be a successful Parkrun Tourist: I suppose the short answer is just have ...
Coddfish profile image

Rubbish run

really annoyed with myself that last nights run wasn't good, I know I'm being st...
heavyhorse profile image

Cadence increasing 5K

So I thought I would try and increase my cadence, and "cadence increasing runnin...
yatesco profile image

Playing music through the Couch to 5K app (iOS)

Hi all, Sorry if I'm being dense, but I cannot figure out how to make music play...
Hidden profile image

What to eat before a run

I went out last night for a run and only managed 20 mins as I was so hungry I fe...
Laureth profile image

hydration situation

I had bit of a rough time running yesterday due to being absolutely parched. I r...
katchow profile image