Just back from doing run 2 in week 5. It was so hard. I'm amazed that I did It especially as A few weeks ago I could hardly run 90 seconds, but can I really run for 20 minutes??? Seems like such a big step. I need some inspiration... Did you do it?
Can I really do Wk5 run3? : Just back from doing... - Couch to 5K
Can I really do Wk5 run3?

We did.. and some are going to...
The programme take you on... and if you keep it slow and steady.. you will get to the finish line...

Yes, you can... as soon as you stop wondering if you can.
You've done all the run up to this one, didn't you? Why should W5R3 be different?
Have a little faith in the programme and believe in yourself and your hard work to get to this point; you'll bust that run and you'll feel great! 😉

That's great progress - well done! As you say, 'A few weeks ago I could hardly run 90 seconds' and now look at you! As secan says, the plan has taken you this far, trust that it will take you the rest of the way.
Everybody wobbles a bit at the 'big week 5 run', but if it wasn't doable Laura wouldn't be asking you to do it.
As you progress I am sure you will experience the same realisation that most/all of us had - at this point, your running is restricted by your mental 'gremlins' far more than your physical condition - if you don't think you will do it, you won't if you KNOW you will, you do. I would insert some Yoda reference but that would just be too cliche ;-).
The number one tip, always is SLOW DOWN.
Just take a breath, relax, look forward to the elation of finishing it, KNOW that you will finish it, take it _real_ slow and speed up if you need to later and 'off you go'.
Congratulations on completing your wk5 d3 run!

Yes! You can!😊

Yes, but I gave myself lots of little helps - I ran as slowly as I could - I ran as flat as I could - I ran two hours after a really good breakfast - I ran in 5 minute chunks, so 5 min in, 10m in 5m more to go and done For me before the run I couldn't see how I was going to make it through, but I did. Give it your best shot - it is hard, but it is possible. Good Luck, You can do it

This run is as much about the mind as the body. If you have got this far you have the foundation in place to do this. I followed some advice that someone else on here said they had been given by someone else on here (there are many Wise Ones on this forum). When your mind tells you to stop just 'check in' with your body. Legs, are they still moving and able to take the next step? Feet, are they so sore you can't put them on the ground? Breathing, are you still able to take the next breath? Stomach, are you really about to throw up? When your mind is telling you you can't go on its just trying to fool you, I found that by observing each part individually I realised that they were all in fine working order. Yes they were tired but still able to carry me on to the end. Let your body show your mind what it's really capable of! Good luck 👍
You can, you will and you'll surprise yourself

I felt exactly the same. It seemed like such a big jump from 8 minutes to 20. I did it and so will you.
Believe in yourself!

Thanks everyone! You're all right, I can and will do it