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Couch to 5K

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All posts for June 2012

W3R3 and birthday triathlon!

celebrated my 61st birthday with W3R3 (treadmill) followed by 10k (stationary) c...
happierswimming profile image


I just completed week 3 and boy was I struggling to breathe through. Anyone hav...
crose profile image

Should I move to Wk 4

Decided to give the c2k5 ago after numerous people around me took it up. I'm ove...
beginner profile image
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W1R1....did i manage it??

Oh yes i did! I downloaded the podcast to my ipod, went to a sports shop and got...
RachP71 profile image

New graduates

Hi runners, Just a quick note to say sorry to all of the new graduates who've b...
JR21 profile image

Updates from my behind (and a little more)

Well, so much for being super motivated after graduating! In the three weeks sin...
LuciRose profile image

Skipped Week 8.

Am doing the Race for Life in a couple of weeks so thought I'd try go straight t...
izzybee profile image

w5 run 3 complete in rain

wow I did it 20 mins non stop running and I felt I could have gone further it wa...
petejam profile image

Return to WK1 Not sure

Well after doing the first 2 runs in week 1, I pulled my hamstring and was in ag...
walkies profile image

Week Six Run Two

Woke up to rain this morning, but I thought 'It's not going to get any better th...
sercreative profile image

6 weeks rest. Just like starting again!

So, after a weekend of festival dancing, alcohol, burgers and heartburn, i decid...
witchynic profile image

Week 7 run 1

Overslept this morning, not the best start to my week. I was feeling really tire...
Hidden profile image

Not a proper runner but running properly! W3R1...

Went to buy some new trainers over the weekend and had my gait analysed... Trie...
rube1uk profile image


This was probably my easiest run to date! I definitely seem to find runs easier ...

Just done 7K!

I did my longest run ever this morning. The alarm went off at 6.15am and I so d...
Babana profile image

Week 4 Run 3 complete

Actually completed this friday night but seem to have a busy weekend and couldnt...
Zagel profile image

Back to it!

The halfterm break is over with and back to work means back to C25K! Before my ...
kayface profile image

Week 8 done ... come on week 9!

Well it is taking a little longer to complete each week as my knees are having t...
Hidden profile image


Hi all, Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post. I've been really...
Hidden profile image

W4R1 done and it's really okay - All together now, "I don't mi-ind, it don't mat-ter"!

To all you week 4 starters this week and those soon to join us, I've just done w...
Nevertoolate profile image

A Day or Two Later than Advertised

HI all, I was intending to do my final run W9R3 on Friday but I woke in the mor...
Hidden profile image

Week 6 in the bag :D

Completed week 6 last night, can't say it was a pleasure, far too cold for that!...
Jaelle profile image

Week 3 run 3

Was awake early yesterday so decided to get up and do my run early before anyone...
Muffintop profile image

Week 1, Run 1, think I'll sleep well tonight!

I've never been in the best of shape and for as long as I can remember I've been...
kelly1992 profile image

Burning/itchy foot?

I hate to admit this, but I'm among friends right?? :-) I had a disastrous pa...
casdix profile image

re garmin forerunner 110 - please read if you have one

HI im seriously thinking of getting a GPS watch and after a quick peruse of the...
totalbeginner profile image

Am I a runner?

I`ve just finished week six but ran to my own music. Have I missed the bit wher...
pitzpalu profile image

7k in 55 mins, well pleased!

I decided to extend my route as I got to the 5k Mark and still felt ok. I never ...
Misscbeaks profile image

Week 6 Owned and still feeling Epic ... Yeehaa!!!

Did W6 R3 this afternoon. I was very nervous starting out but i walked until ...
pitzpalu profile image

Heart Rate Monitors ?

I'm currently researching heart rate monitors. I know there's a lot of love for ...
Heidi5 profile image