Posts - Bridge to 10K | HealthUnlocked

Bridge to 10K

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All posts for June 2018

Six month anniversary . . . .

Wow - so I started my first 1 min run on the 8th January, it took me three month...
Richroux profile image

6am run

I love the quiet and solitude of an early morning run. I’m managing nearly 8km a...
Nwrkpak profile image

Another run ticked off... Week 2, Run 2, 5k. Done!

Hello folks! Just a quick update from me, I managed another run, which was inten...
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Get in....It’s The final week of the 10 is the Magic Number 10k plan 🤩💥🌈🌪

Welcome to week 8, the final week of the 10 is the Magic Number plan!!!! Whoop w...
ju-ju- profile image

Post holiday run!

Had a week in beautiful Sardinia last week. Was too hot and hilly were we stayin...
AndG profile image

New shoes, new shoes, such comfy blue shoes

To paraphrase Shirley Hughes. Hopefully this will be a better marriage than th...
Maddee_6333 profile image

what exercises to do for achilles heels pain?

Hello folks, I'm starting to run again.. after about 4 months off... I can onl...
jedi_d profile image

New Shoes :o

Having bought Brooks for C25k I realised that a second pair of shoes may be help...
LittleNell83 profile image

Well I’m A Believer, 10k Done!!

Having read some inspirational posts last few days and a few polite rollckings, ...
Guesty26 profile image

5k – testing, testing!

This morning was my 5k test run after having nearly two weeks off to try and fix...
orangeguy profile image

Tech fail part deux (Pfffffffft!)

So. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to try for the 6k run of ju-ju’s 10k programme,...
Sadie-runs profile image

You're the Run that I want - Summer runnin'🌞June Quest Week 2....feel free to join

Hi everyone, Welcome to Week 2 of the June Quest... How are we 'shapin' up' and ...
Bluebirdrunner profile image

Beach run today

Yesterday I did a fairly disappointing run round a park in town and couldn't eve...
Joy57 profile image

Second consolidation run - that was a bit different!

Today’s “run” was kind of inspired by Skyesue and a description of when she was ...
HoagyM profile image

The App freezes

Hello, I am a recent graduate of C25K. Since graduating I have done two 30 minut...
ericlap4229 profile image

Finally - 10k done!

Well, it's taken me a while to get here since graduating C25K last December, but...
PashleyPedaller profile image

Hill Sprints 😫

So I’ve been doing a bit of googling on whether hill sprints are great or should...
Ripcurlrana71 profile image

Feels like I'm having a good week ...

Monday, finished Wk6 of Ju-ju's 10k plan with a 9k run. Tuesday, Yoga. Wednesday...
Wizziewood profile image

Week 5:Run 2 (the actual run 2)

Went out to walk the dogs with my other half this morning - last night, I rather...
Maddee_6333 profile image

A new version of 🎶YMCA 🎶, Helped me beat my target today!

What a run this morning! My Shrek playlist turned up trumps again, and surprisin...
Razouski profile image

First running injury!!!

It’s my usual day off today so I planned I’d do a longer run on a new route to t...
Sarakc profile image

Thought my watch was set to kms...

Well today was a surprise. I had a usual rubbish nights sleep ( never sleep prop...
limberlou profile image

Only gone and signed up for a 10k!

This morning I woke up and thought “What have I done!”. As mentioned on here bef...
HoagyM profile image

B210K week 1 run 2

I Completed my run 2 last night and although I did follow it through to the very...
c1air3 profile image

I'm looking forward to running tomorrow

Morning running pals :) I don't actually have anything to post about, but given ...
Hidden profile image

Swilling and spitting carb drinks?

I caught parts of a programme last night and it was saying not to swallow your s...

Great place to run

Second run back after knee issue and a lovely 3k along Swansea prom on a beautif...
Andygale profile image

I hate the gremlins.

I planned to run yesterday but the gremlins got to me and then I was in a grump ...
pinkaardvark profile image

Anyone else having trouble with phone notifications on Garmin with iOS 11?

Went from android back to iOS. I was getting mobile notifications fine for a cou...
Hidden profile image

Bit of a moany post

So a friend asked me if I fancied running in a 10k event and thought maybe, why ...
rolysmate profile image