Posts - Bridge to 10K | HealthUnlocked
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A new year, a new post-flu running-recovery plan!
I’ve been pretty much lying in bed over the past 2 weeks, trying to get my stren...
Rope Flow Challenge starting on S&F soon!
Over at our Strength and Flex Forum, we are soon to start a Rope Flow 4-Day Chal...
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A New NRC plan: RUN BEYOND PLAN (4 weeks)
Last week, I finished the Couch25k+ runs (Stepping Stones, Speed and Stam...
A run, and different 10k plan philosophies
Another little 3k recovery run done, as part of my Runkeeper 10k plan. (Picture ...
SixPack Challenge, here I come!
CHAPTER XXXXXXX CXXXVIII - CONCLUSION (or start of something new?): Reader, I si...
Coming up on S&F: James Dunne 7-Day Challenge - Bulletproof Runners
Who’s with me in trying out the newest freely available 7-day strengthening chal...
Gave myself a running reward that will give myself a running reward!
My diary made me do it. Really.
I bet you have a similar pesky fitness diary...
Zero to Hero, again! Feb 2024
I will be trying another one of the 0 to (hero) 5k (or 30 min) plans again, as I...
YWA’s January FLOW (10th anniversary)
As I know we have quite a few yogis here on Bridge, I’m dropping just a quick no...
Quick run report and start of my “30min to 5k plan”
I had an annual leave day today, but woke up feeling grotty. But by late morning...
3rd Runniversary!
Being inspired by Irish-John’s 3-year runniversary post (at https://h...
How to return from a calf strain well (PART 10): By now, who’s counting?
I did a nowster today, that is dress for a run, head for a zoom meeting, hidin...
Updated NRC 10k Plan with Links
UPDATE Jan 2024: NRC has just added the 10k plan within the NRC App. It’s a newl...
Runners are bonkers… and NRC’s 10k plan with links
We runners must be mad, as I’ve just spent the last 90 minutes putting links int...
CBDB’s Slow Run Fun Plan for post 10k consolidation
Ok! I’ve finished planning my post 10k consolidation plan for me (and any slow r...
Advice On An Alternative 10k Programme
Hi All
I’ve been hovering on the forum for a couple of months while I’ve been co...
New Plan: JuJu’s Magic with CBDB’s workout
Had a lovely annual leave day today, planning my next running phase. I’m ready f...
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