Posts - Bridge to 10K | HealthUnlocked
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Nettle-proof run thanks to my gaiters!
Just another run on my return to C25k glory: week 7 run 1. 25 min continued runn...
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Threshold Gremlins, Psycho moments and running in London (no, not really)
Short run this morning. Here are the things that flowed across my mind whilst ru...
Any advice for a first Park Run?
For the first time in months (and the first time since I graduated), I don’t hav...
The case of the pulled calf - A muscle mystery!
I am presently still on the injury couch. On Monday this week, I pulled a calf m...
Training for an 8.5 k event in mid December
Last week I wrote that I'd had a bit of a break over my holiday, but now I am ba...
Running to a beat
I love to run to the beat… any ideas of apps, music, etc? Have done the nhs couc...
I'm new here and would be interested in advice on how to progress!
I completed Couchto5k in June and have been running 5k, twice a week since, usin...
Queen of Slow plans for more slow...
Just yesterday I posted on our Strength and Flex forum a post about planning a ...
Introducing myself - hoping one day to manage 10k
Hi everyone,
I completed C25K in January, and since then I've run only once per ...
Help request for newbie with hamstring knee pain
After completing C25K a few months back I was really enjoying my 3 runs a week o...
Half marathon route to Trafalgar square...
Hiya folks. I'm planning to run a HM to Trafalgar square from Barnet (North Lond...
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