Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for March 2018

Getting lost in the woods

Slight snowfall meant I managed to get family out to the woodland to walk while ...
DebJogsOn profile image

Yes you can because yes I did!

Did my final run in bright sun and freezing temperatures this morning and am ri...
Nannalyn53 profile image

20 mins under my belt

Echoing several posts this week- I just ran for 20 mins. Woo hoo 🤪 however I wa...
Nollie26 profile image
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W4r1 Niko Niko slow jogging

Just completed this outside jogging very low. Have decided that the treadmill is...
Roset64 profile image

Is it really important to breathe through the nose?

That's Week 5 run 3 under the belt and such a sense of satisfaction - now that i...
frenchvisitor profile image

❄️❄️❄️ Rest day

Think I’ll give it a miss today. Managed to run during the previous snow weeks a...
tony_a profile image


After a pretty entertaining day yesterday I was determined I was going out there...
mergirl101 profile image

Give it a go?

So today I should be doing week 5 run 2. The snow fairy has been. Will I slip?? ...
asenior85 profile image

If your attempting to run toda...

If your attempting to run today, stay safe out there guys!! Xx
Lisalou1402 profile image

Knee Pain Week 6

Hi! I need some advice I’m at week 6 run 3 where the longer runs start and so fa...
Liv734 profile image

Will I ever be able to jog again 😔

Hi ya I was diagnosed with RA in May 2017 before then I was quite active and jog...
BuffMummy profile image

I found all the runners!

Needed to get my run in early today as boy child #2 has thespian duties. It wou...
CitizenP profile image


Never run in the snow before but it was great! Saturday am parkrun so lots of ot...
Meeshe43 profile image

Caution. Slow jogger.

Thanks to all the support and advice sent to my initial post. The first time i ...
Pippayoungart profile image

Running and jet lag

Excited is the understatement of the century. 10 days until we fly to Japan! And...
Samarie profile image

Rest days

I get the need for a new runner to have a rest day between each run, so we can g...
Clugg profile image

Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this Week 8 Run 1

Week 8 beckons, so up early - take a peek out of the window. Oh dear! Snow and w...
JoP61 profile image

Podcast conked out!

Bloody hell. Run 2 week six, In light snow and strong wind. I was on the final...
Jell6 profile image

Do my legs really feel like lead or is it my mind playing games with me?

Hi. I’m on wk7, r1 and can’t seem to get my legs going! I did my first parkrun y...
MrsE74 profile image

Snow stops run

Really disappointed our 10k run was postponed due to weather but this morning gr...
Cornet-Carolyn profile image


I am away at a conference this weekend but still went for a run. There wasn't ma...
Fifitrixiebell profile image

C25K ... Still revisiting.

Finished Week 3 now. Slow progress with me old knees.just taking it easy. I'd gr...
MotherPip profile image

so at what point do you actually start enjoying running?

OK, so I'm on week 7 of couch to 5k and I was really enjoying it to start with. ...
Lowrie1986 profile image

The ups and downs of running!

Oh running, sweet running. Many of you old-timers know that the past couple of ...
RebeccaSK profile image

Here endeth the Lent

O woes. Oheu. Eheu. Oheu, eheu, oheu etc. You know it's sad but true. Thee m...


Does anyone know of an app that will just track where I run, and show me? Not tr...
furlmouse profile image

Look out, look out, Oldfloss is about...

And running so late.. people say The sun right up in the sky And the tide nearly...
Oldfloss profile image

Why didn’t I enjoy this?

Week 6 run 1. Bleuuuugggh🤑. I didn’t enjoy it. First time during this course...
WalkingWithLabradors profile image

The power of rest

Took advice from you all and didn't run on Wednesday, had sports massage on Frid...
ebcroquet profile image

Week 2 run 3

It has taken me 3 weeks to do the first 2 weeks because of work commitments and ...
Couch-potato profile image