Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for June 2012

Please tell me it gets easier!

Did my first run yesterday and it nearly killed me! I didn't realise how unfit I...
MrsB67 profile image

Running Music -

Having graduated a couple of days ago I spent some time yesterday making my own ...
Katsmeat profile image

week 6 run 2

woke up in excellent mood, lept out of bed got dressed and headed out the door a...
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how do you guys keep motivated to go out when its raining?

I'm due to go and do W2 R2 this evening and its forecast to be awful weather, po...
totalbeginner profile image

Disappointed :(

Did W6R3 this morning and once again I got a stitch, this time literally halfway...
Hidden profile image

Week 4, Day 2. Did I not enjoy that!

Rain, wind and grumpy runner. Not a good combo. But, I managed a PB for distance...
Innuendo profile image

w6r3 ... accomplished!!

Went to the doctors today to talk about my left foot that has been giving troubl...
JDGirl1975 profile image

Almost painfree, I can`t believe it.

Probably jinxing myself, but I did W6 R1 this morning and am sitting here readin...
pitzpalu profile image

My best run ever - and that's AFTER asking for my Graduation badge!

I have just arrived back completely elated at achieving 35 minutes in the wind a...
Mitch15 profile image

What will happen to my black toenail

My big toenail has gone black and is mega painful! I thinks its from the Edinb...
MaryAB profile image

Sometimes you just have to give yourself a talking to and get on with it!

Nearly didn't go out this morning; I still have an awful cold and have felt oddl...
TJFlute profile image

W2R2 in the pouring rain and mud.

I wanted to go out 1st thing this morning but hubby kept putting it off as he co...
jomcc4 profile image

Running in Kenya WK5 R2

Phew! Well, just managed the 8 minutes twice but had a slight twinge of a stitch...
traveltoomuch profile image

Park run number 2 and a medal :)

Took part in the local jubilee park run this morning. It was a real sight with l...
BTX4 profile image

Week 9, run 3 complete !!! Can't believe I've done it

i completed my last run on week 9, it feels so good. Cannot believe how far I've...
Misscbeaks profile image

Hi Guys, week 7 run 2 and a fail!!!!

Hi Guys, not spoken for a while I hope you are all ok and keeping up the good wo...
appollonia profile image

Against better judgement (still Week 7...)

I knew this wasn't going to work. No idea why I went out anyway. The weather was...
Hidden profile image

Wimping out

Meant to be going to running club later but as have no motivation for it am usin...
AliB1 profile image

Does anyone add runs during the podcasts? How many times do you actually run? What other exercises do you do in addition to C25K?

I am on week 3, and walk/jog on a paved trail in a wooded area in Atlanta (USA)....
keepntabs profile image

running out side or running on tredmill which is better for this plan

petejam profile image

if using treadmill what speed have you got the walk set at mine is about 3.2 for the brisk walk and 4.3 for the jog/run is this enough?

just wondering if this is enough as i have only just done my first run of wk 3
zee11 profile image
Graduate the bag!! Woohoo!!

I did it! I did it!! *jumping around the room on jelly legs* I didn't honestl...
runner2B profile image

c25k plus

are there any dates yet as to when the new podcast is out?
maddykins profile image

Week Five Run Two

Well, I'm back just in time because the heavens have opened!! So lucky, it still...
sercreative profile image

Week 3 Run 1 - Woo! Still going!

Completed week 2 last Friday, glad to be over that, I was in pain! Did the first...
Em_j22 profile image

Week 2 - Run 1

Completed last night, went to fast at runs 3 and 4, which affected the later run...
JohnCassidy profile image

Started yesterday Week one Run one -How did you feel after week one day one?

Woke up this morning and it feels like my thighs have horizontal bolts drilled t...
gemag profile image

Groin/hip injury advice

im just about to do week 9, and even though I'm delighted with progress so far, ...
Gaz_W profile image


Well I have just completed day 2 and I am really pleased! So I am going to give ...
debs1664 profile image

W2 R2 Breathing

Well I've just been out for an invigorating run (a bit windy on the coast this m...
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