running out side or running on tredmill which ... - Couch to 5K

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running out side or running on tredmill which is better for this plan

petejam profile image
9 Replies
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petejam profile image
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9 Replies

Whichever you can commit to :)

Treadmills are easy on the joints, you don't get rained on, but you have to pay to use them and it can be boring once you are running for longer. Outside running is a bit harder with slopes and the weather outside your control, footpaths can be hard on the joints, although you can always run on grass, but it's all free including the scenery.

Nothing wrong with either or a mixture of both. You can't compare speeds between the two, that's all.

Nevertoolate profile image

Both are fine, whatever you fancy. I love being outside because I can see the scenery flashing/crawling by me and it gives me a motive to carry on. Whatever you do I hope you enjoy it!

Oldgirl profile image

Its up to the individual. I prefer outside and tried inside on a gym treadmill when we had snow and ice last December. I found it too boring and really hard mentally so I bought spikes and put them on my older trainers and took to the forest tracks. I'm sure most people would say I was mad as it was -6C most mornings but hey the fresh air was good for me and the scenery like a christmas card picture. Try a mix and find out which you prefer. Good luck with the program :)

zee11 profile image

treadmil for me in spare room .

runner2B profile image

I started the program on the treadmill at the gym and yes it was a little mind numbing even with six tv sets with subtitles on the wall opposite! Not to mention, I found it a little off-putting with a person a few inches away from me, pounding the treadmill at twice my pace! So when I hit, week 4, I decided to take my runs outside and run the dogs in one swoop too....and I haven't looked back!

Am now embarking on Wk6 in my next run and I can honestly say, that outdoor running through the woods (not pavement as I have three big dogs and it would be a logistical nightmare with all three on leashes!) with my dogs running up ahead or around me, is a much nicer experience....but I may change my tune when the weather turns and it get wetter and muddier out there! I may run on the treadmill over the winter months if it's not too nice outside but it's nice to have the option though. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose in the end! Good luck wherever you decide to run, just keep going!

Minuette profile image

Neither is better than the other and both are very good. Whichever you enjoy doing will be just right for you. I do both and I enjoy both equally :)

TheMagicalPixie profile image

Its down to personal preference. I love being outside, and have never liked gyms, so I never considered a treadmill. I went on a treadmill for the first time yesterday when I got my running shoes fitted and found it really odd - its not for me, I would find it boring, but apparently its "easier" as well.

I guess if you are trying to decide which to try first you need to consider what options are open to you - do you already have a gym membership (or a treadmill) or if not is there one you can afford, in a sensible location that you can commit to getting to regularly when its open? Are there safe routes to run on around where you live? Are you running with someone and if so do they have a preference? Don't necessarily be put off by the idea of getting rained on, some people prefer running in the rain.

I much prefer outside as it feels "free-er" but that's me, guess you've got to try it. :)

Mirella profile image

I have only run outside mainly because I don't like gyms and didn't want to spend a fortune on gym membership just to use a treadmill nor have I got space or can afford a good treadmill for home. I have run in the rain (try it, its brilliant) and in temerature of -6 wearing two lots of just about everything including gloves!

I love running outside, far more than I expected. To see the wildlife (I even saw a little owl last week), the chaning plantlife and seasons has been a bit of a revelation.

I guess a lot depends on where you live and whether or not you already have or want to pay for gym membership but, for me, 40 minutes listening to someone elses choice of music whilst watching someone elses choice of (mute) tv and some sweating bloke or superfit woman next to me would drive me mental pretty quickly. It also depends what your aim is. If you want to run races or parkruns, its probably best to have run outside a few times before you tackle one but if you just want to run to get fitter then a treadmil is fine.

In the end though its your run so its your choice, why not try both and see what your prefer, for the plan there is no difference.

pingle profile image

I run outside as I walk out the front door and I'm there. It would take me 20 mins to drive to a gym and 20 mins back and it's too hard to commit that much extra time with 2 small kids. I think whatever works for you is best. I don't think I would have stuck with 3 times a week for this long at a gym and I have really found that getting out often makes a huge difference. Previous attempts at getting fit all involved weekly classes which fell by the wayside when I could not see much improvement/got bored/found excuses for not going.

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