Well I've just been out for an invigorating run (a bit windy on the coast this morning) and whilst I enjoyed it and did ok, i'm struggling with my breathing a bit, I thought it was fine until Laura brought to my attention on my last run with breathing out on four left steps technique. Does anyone have any tips or should I just not worry about it for now?
W2 R2 Breathing: Well I've just been out for an... - Couch to 5K
W2 R2 Breathing

I'd say not worry about it for now! As long as you are breathing you'll be fine!

I tried the breathing as Laura suggested, but found myself short of breath! Stick with what you do normally just now, you can work on the breathing later.
As we've found out...breathing is quite important!

Don't worry about it, just breathe slowly and deeply as you can. This is something that comes with practice and as your fitness increases, so for now just breathe

I agree with the others - just do what you can to get through the run! I tried to follow Laura and ending up gasping for breath. I forgot about it and it seems to just get better on it's own. In fact that seems to apply to all my woes - aching legs, leaden thighs, stiff neck, painful arms etc etc. When I make a mental effort to ignore them, they go away on the whole. Good luck!
Thanks everyone, that's put it in perspective, I'll stop thinking about it for now, except I'll try to breath more slowly and deeply.

I've struggled on and off with my breathing through the program and the more I thought about it the worse I got! Just focus on your pace (and surroundings as you are outside) and your body will adapt.
Was on the wet and windy South Coast today, loved it!

i had to do breaths every three steps rather than four - i did w2 r1 on Monday. i just couldnt attempt four steps without a breath. maybe as we get fitter it will be easier!
I also found when starting to struggle try to concentrate on breathing, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Thanks, I'll give that a try and if it doesn't work for me then I will stop worrying for now. Thanks again everyone.

OK so not just me... I did W2R1 yesterday and when she started to tell me to focus on breathing I felt out of breath... it was like, head back shoulders back heels touching breathe in out ....blah blah and I was getiing too much info in my brain, not to mention trying to count steps, the beats of the music... anyway when I jsut found myself realxing I was doing fine...