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Bridge to 10K

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All posts for September 2020

Strava disaster

So, set off this morning feeling good and had a lovely run - felt faster and I w...

RunLEJOG: Running with Laura

So back in LEJOG land, story goes that me and my running pal Laura 🏃🏻‍♀️are t...
CBDB profile image

First half marathon!

Blimey - after 10 miles a couple of weeks ago I thought I'd head out on another ...
Hated2Run profile image
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long 8km trail run! hard going

This morning we were lucky enough to go to a nature reserve near the beach for o...
a_in_gsr profile image

A British success

Top photo: my friend Sam and I in France before the town run 2019 accompanied by...
HeavyFoot profile image

I unearthed Mymojo this morning and took her for a run

Mymojo took a slide this past week after my tricky last run and she went sulking...
Hidden profile image

What's that one line from a song that really speaks to you?

Are there any lyrics that really say exactly the right thing, the thing you need...
Catwise profile image

The New Forest is Flat .......

But the bit of Dorset they found for the New Forest Marathon (and half and 5k an...
UpTheStanley profile image

First 10K run

So in less than a month after graduating, I’ve managed my first 10K. Set off hop...
genejeanie profile image

B210K - W3R3 💪

Consolidation Run 26 🏃‍♂️ B210K - W3R3 7K 🎯 No PB’s today but a good run n...
PhoenixRise profile image

LeJog 6 here I come!

I couldn't contain myself any longer. I've been eyeing this up ever since gather...
Fionamags profile image

Morning run

got myself out for 5k run this morning ,my back was aching a bit ,feel a lot be...
Jennypenny2 profile image

Help with judging the mileage left in running shoes

Just completed week 3 run 3 of the 60 min magic plan with coach Bennett guiding ...
Hedgehogs123 profile image

Old shoes, a new belt and a shoe wish list

Speed intervals again today with Laura’s C5k+ podcasts and stats suggest I’m get...
CBDB profile image

Week 3 of the Magic Plan... how are you doing?

Hello Magic runners, how is it going? Apologies I haven’t been around here much...
ju-ju- profile image

Ju Ju, knees and technology!

I started this journey on Bridge to 10 k (not coach to 5k) as I was already runn...
coggerjogger profile image

My First 10K Event Cancelled ☹️

Would have been a fabulous morning ☀️ for my first ever ‘Event’ - Fairhaven Flye...
ThisGirlNowRuns profile image


Oh dear, just posted yesterday’s miles and it looks like I am about to be squish...

Fabulous450 & Happy Days!! Thank you ALL & LEJOG4!! 🏃🏽‍♀️ 🇬🇧 ❤️

Hi Runners!! Well, the fun has most certainly returned with a vengeance!!....And...
Fabulous450 profile image

How on earth did I get here?

All a bit of a mess tech-wise today but that was user error. I tried my first e...
Oldgirlruns profile image

Steady 4k

Not much to report here, watched the most exciting final time trial of the Tour ...
Scout37 profile image

Touch and go but 2nd 10k in the bag 👍🏻. Neutral or over-pronater?

Nearly didn’t go today as hip was playing up a bit but made it out and completed...
Gaily23 profile image

Short Run

Just started Ju Jus magic plan. The short run of 15 minutes felt really strange...
drob19 profile image

Today I ran because I can

Went out for a run this morning for the first time since Monday, all set to do 4...
Cmoi profile image

Oh no, the Boot is back! 😬

It was all going so well - boot and crutches thrown aside, got the ok to go for ...

Bah, laid up....

One of the kids got sent home from school after being identified as having close...
Reggit profile image

Man v Scooter.

Hi all, Really busy week with work, and not much running done. Had a short mor...
UnfitNoMore profile image

Toomany thoughts

So sometimes you are just fed up. Too much too do or things playing on your mi...
HappyNoodle profile image

Jeffing with Garmin

I thought I'd have a go at the 10k training plan with Jeff today. Did the benchm...
Fionamags profile image

CR22 = 8k trail run and my longest run to date 😊

I'm now lying in the hot tub checking out my Strava when the penny finally drops...
TallTeal2020 profile image