Posts - PMRGCAuk | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for August 2016

Wondering if I could of had a TIA/Mini Stroke?

Hi everyone, last Monday morning I came upstairs feeling just awful, that was th...
misaryk profile image

New and Just Diagnosed w PMR

I had a episode of PMR 12 to 10 years ago that the general md diagnosed as RA as...
Ronswife profile image


Hi folks - As promised I am updating you on how I have been getting on taking ma...
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One at a time please!

Well this is annoying. During the heat of last week I could understand sometimes...
IdasMum profile image

Lack of enthusiasm

I have been an avid photographer and loved spending hours on my computer working...
Riversnan profile image

Vision constantly changing

Hi...thought I would ask and see if anyone has had this happen to them while on ...
bert403 profile image

5 mg - shoulder aches and fatigue returning

I would be pleased to have your advice. I was diagnosed with PMR in October 201...
cassie1208 profile image

Splitting Tablets

Hi there, just wondered if anyone has any bright ideas when it comes to splittin...
Wenben profile image

Eye Strain

I am an avid reader and this has provided the escape I crave from the symptoms o...

Tests for adnenal function

My rheumatologist has tapered the prednisone to 5mg per day. Is there a blood t...

Hot flushes, sweating and hot weather!

I am here seems a good place to let off steam. I know that coffee...
IdasMum profile image

10 months on......

Got off the Pred last Oct. after about 4 years since first starting.. PMR has no...
suzieh profile image

Shin Pain

Just a query really - Has anyone else experienced quite bad shin pain while on P...
Jackoh profile image

Good News Bad News

Good news is I finally got some sleep last night 1 hour 10 minutes then 3 hours ...
Ligtocicar profile image

how can you tell a flare from other maladies?

The past two weeks have been tough for me. Symptoms include some sleep disturban...
Zacsmimi profile image

grieving my old life, and learning to "dance"

Although I was diagnosed nearly 9 mos ago, I still find myself reading old posts...
Zacsmimi profile image

Tapering and side effects

I have been on Pred for 2 years for PMR. I was on 7.5 for over 3 months and ha...
NursePeggy profile image

Prednisone update

RA believed head soreness was due to GCA symptoms returning, so added 5mg to my ...
Mgeorge profile image

Pineapple and possible mini flare

Hi guys, I am down to 3.5mg of pred and was just in the process of reducing once...
Buenavista profile image

Tic Toc Can't Sleep

Hello everyone: Been on prednisone for 16 days. 50mg for the first 7 days and 20...
Ligtocicar profile image

Diagnosing GCA

I read about people diagnosed with GCA without having a temporal biopsy done. W...
Ligtocicar profile image

So upset...

Dear everyone, I have GCA and PMR and taking 11mgs of pred at the moment. .My so...
MARION7 profile image


At the moment I am on 2 1/2 mg of pred is it still necessary to take omeprazole ...
JOHNONE28 profile image

I'm 0ff pred ,but restarted on hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone for Addisons.

As I've said in title I've restarted hydrocortisone and fludro ,i must admit I d...
whitleybayfc profile image

into remission

I saw a different rheumy last week as the original is away sick. This one was a ...
kingharold11 profile image

wobbly Arms!!

I have been getting the same Jelly like feeling in both my arms. It feels as tho...
Pebble-Sue55 profile image

Update I can go x 😀😎

Just come back from a visit to my rumatoligest, the first visit , my diagnosis w...
Heycarol profile image

Suffering with PMR , swollen ankles and lack of sleep

I have had PMR since January 2016 , and am on prednisolone 20mg ,have had Achil...
hagarviking profile image

Wobbly legs

I am getting what I can only describe as wobbly, jelly feeling legs!!!! The res...
Riversnan profile image

I'm back, thank goodness

I have been offline for some days following a spat with my service provider. I ...
polkadotcom profile image