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All posts for January 2014

Hi.thank everyone for their support last weekend.

Have been to the rheumatologist this week and had the methetextrate injection on...
Whittlesey profile image


I seen my rermey today she said to go to 10mgs one day and 7.5 mgs the next day ...
smiley67 profile image

Hello again my lovely fellow PMR sufferers. Thought I would post an update to my stopping Pred 3 weeks ago......

After stopping Pred from 1mg almost a month ago I can honestly say I'm now feeli...
Lollysimp1 profile image
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Last dose yesterday ?

After two years, of being diagnosed with PMR, starting on 30mg of Prednisone, on...
shania profile image

Pins and needles down left side of face. Next day watery left eye.

Diagnosed with GCA three years ago. Now down to 5mgs. Prednisolone per day. Bl...
tomasina profile image

Fighting a Flare!

Last week I went to the GP for the results of the latest blood test which showed...
Annodomini profile image

Should I be under the care of a rheumatologist?

I first saw my GP in October and was put on 20 mg prednisolone in November follo...
Badgergirl profile image

Has anyone developed Vasculitis affecting the skin,after PMR and GCA?

hege profile image

I am in my tenth month of PMR now and down to 5mgs. I have been having monthly deep muscle massages and find this helps to unlock me. Recomm

I have to pay myself, but well worth while. Coming on leaps and bounds since sta...
55grove profile image

Hi there fellow PMR/GCA sufferers, Just wondering if any one else has experienced sudden one-sided hearing loss? Some scalp achiness as well

rockyandzeus profile image

How much to increase ? - need to control a flare up

Have been on 5.5 mg since Dec; thought I was just about ok before Xmas but getti...
suzieh profile image

Need advice on pain killers

Hi guys, I need some help on pain killers. My trigger fingers are giving me a ...
Buenavista profile image

I would like to know anyone's methotrexate withdrawal schedule. I've been on it along with prednisone since October 2013.

I don't think it is helping me with reducing the prednisone, still on between 9-...
Tsnan profile image

Hi everyone, I'm in North Yorkshire, close to Cumbria and Lancashire! Are there any groups for PMA and GCA that we can attend in person? x

heli13 profile image

Is it possible to have methetextrate withdrawal, which includes heavy fatigue? Or is it the adrenals not highly functioning?

Missed the appt. w/Dr. this Wed. for injection of methetextrate and slowly since...
Whittlesey profile image

Scan rescheduled for Tues due to heavy snow and extreme cold in Manhattan.

Hi everyone, I missed my appointment with my rheumatologist, last Wed due to thi...

muscle weakness

Hi every one, Just this one question. does any one suffer weakness in their thig...
cynbil profile image

Hi everyone just updating my previous posts about my gp using other medication rather than increasing my Pred, am on 10mgs at the moment,

Getting some aches in arms and hand joints early morning. Have tried ampitryplin...
Lionking50 profile image

Hi Im on 45mg preds at the moment for GCA and PMR, has anyone else got a cataract from taking preds? My eyes are also watering non stop

which makes my eyes blurry, got viscoclear eye drops, I have dry eye as well, bu...
heli13 profile image

Hi Just wanted to check if anyone notified their insurance companies I.e. Driving and health, and is it necessary when diagnosed with GCA

When on 60mg per day
Tobytomtom profile image

Slow progress

I went to my GP yesterday to discuss the results of my last blood test. The CRP ...
Annodomini profile image

GCA since 2010, I have feeling of wearing a lead helmet and pain in my head worse when lying down

My GP and Rheumatologist think this is either all in my mind or referred pain fr...
tomasina profile image

Appointment with thoracic surgeon today re: aneurysm vertebral artery

Hi everyone. Today I have an appointment with my thoracic surgeon to discuss the...
Whittlesey profile image

Pred and vaccination?

, I´m a woman, 65 years old, from Sweden. So please excuse my bad English. I wa...
amieangel profile image


Hi all i have been to my gp today and they have cut me down from 8 to 7 predniso...
averis profile image

Drs advice - confusing?

Saw Dr today - she said my inflammation is less - 7 instead of 13 which it was ...
suzieh profile image

It turns out I do have PMR after all!!

I posted back in November that, after a consultation with Prof. Dasgupta, he con...
suzy1959 profile image

hi l am new. I have had pmr for two years. Does anyone suffer from really high temperatures on a daily and night basis? Is it the steroids?

Hidden profile image

Does anyone still work with PMR or has anyone managed to get any sort of ill health retirement?

I'd been becoming exhausted and getting lots of aches and pains for over a year ...
TiredScot profile image

Is it better to "manage" on a lower dose of pred or put it back up a little to feel better?

I have now reduced to 5 1/2 mg a day and have been on this dose since early Dec....
suzieh profile image