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All posts for July 2019


I y in Tobago and doing ok, but I am plagued by mosquitoes. This is my third hol...
Jeanjean16 profile image

Diagnosis (after a fashion)

Well, there we are then. Rheumatologist has decided that I have probable gca. Pr...
Linda3009 profile image


Hi everyone, I am still on Pred for PMR and should be meeting someone tomorrow w...
Attic profile image
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First post

Hello, this is my first post. I was diagnosed with PMR on 10 June this year and...
Billswife profile image

Dry eyes

Hi I believe dry eyes are to do with PMR. Can anyone recommend eye drops for thi...
Koalajane profile image

PMRGCA daily emails have suddenly stopped.

I have not received my daily community emails for 2 days now. I would be gratefu...
El50 profile image

So had PET scan still pain in every joint

Had my PET scan and the results were clear, I my specialist who did a series of ...
PMRHortons profile image

First split dose last night. No pain ,no stiffness, NO SLEEP! ☹️

Took my dose of 5mg Pred at 10:30 last night after eating a pot of yoghurt. Lay...
Smokygirl profile image

When to taper down?

Help again please. Does anyone have a clever system to know when it is OK to red...
HamishPMR profile image

Update from BFP

Hi all. Having spent 3.5 weeks on huge steroids for flares in hospital, I have n...
Bfp1 profile image

Dental with osteo on pred

I will call rheumy about this tomorrow. This weeks gastroenterology appt was abo...
Spanky2019 profile image

My finger nails are growing strong again!

Four plus years into this adventure and I have a good sign of some return to nor...
clieder profile image

Aching Arms

When I was diagnosed in Aug. 2018 my ESR reading was 25 and my CRP 53. My readin...

Upcoming appointment

Hi all . So tomorrow I have an appointment with a rheumatologist. It's been 8 we...
Linda3009 profile image

Update on Melatonin for sleep

A few weeks ago, I posted regarding Melatonin as a sleep aid, promising to retur...
Purplecrow profile image

Snap, crackle, pop

Every since my muscles and joints began loosening up after taking prednisone, my...
Hidden profile image

Vitamin k2

We are frequently told by the media now that taking vitamins can interfere with ...
Wayfair profile image

Knee Pain Only

Hello, I was tapering from a high dose of prednisone (suspected GCA) for 22 mon...
Pamk1949 profile image

Advice please.

I've just completed my first full week on 7mg after a very slow reduction. For t...
maria40 profile image

On Pred and going onto Methotrexate - help needed

HI, I am on 15 mg Prednisolone and my Rhuemy finally agreed to diagnose me with ...
Theziggy profile image

The magic came last night 80% — Hurrah! However didn’t last til morning.

So relieved to say that I had a much much better night last — my third night on ...
Smokygirl profile image

Methotrexate tablets or Injections

I have changed from Methotrexate tablets to injections. What a m...
Blomps profile image

Mixed up

Thanks for replies I had breast cancer in 2008 but not being treated for that or...
vlrdngh profile image


I started at 15 mg. Its a relapse aft 9 years started 3 months ago.Tried to go f...
Hunter134 profile image


Could you please help with the name of the test needed roascertain whether adre...
Polylinc profile image

Someone asked about Low Dose Naltrexone.

I thought I would post this on main site so that people can read. I have an unu...
lemarie1 profile image

Late taker

This morning, I woke at 7am after sleeping through my intended 5 mg dosage, whic...
YuliK profile image

dexa scan and AA

Well this morning i made the visit to see my Dr regarding the Dexa scan. After ...
Blackcat1M profile image

Duration of PMR

In reply to another post, PMRpro has written "PMR only goes away in under 2 year...

First dose of methotrexate

Hi everyone , I'm feeling a bit nervous ...... I took my first dose of methotrex...
katiemills profile image