PMRGCAuk | HealthUnlocked


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Cruising not always good

Hi everybody just to let you all know just home from holiday, and feeling well c...
Harrywogan profile image

Prednisolone Reduction

Sorry but I am unable to find the very useful advice about reducing Prednisolone...
Jomaur profile image

Milk - what works best?

This may already have been covered but I’d love to know about other people’s mil...
Thelmarina profile image

Peace of Mind

Over the past several months I've not been quite as active on the forum. This ha...
Kendrew profile image

Alendronic acid

New GP has recommended Alendronic acid following Dexa scan which shows problems ...
borednow profile image

Is this a flair or adrenal insufficiency?

Hello all you knowledgeable people. I would so appreciate some advice. I have b...
Loyd profile image

Please share any experience of meds to try and prevent osteoporosis especially Zoledronic acid and Romosozumab

I've recently had spinal or vertebral compression fractures and am now talking t...


I have been on prednisolone since last August for GCA/PMR and am getting down to...
bookbear68 profile image

long term prednisone causing thin skin, labral tears around hip joint, gluteus and hamstring tears, ?

well think I have told my story few times, at the end of my rope, had severe gro...
arvine profile image

Has anyone else had their inner demon released by steroids?

Near my 80th birthday and usually when things go wrong I say “Oh well, never min...
Rotsky profile image

Newly Diagnosed and Frightened

Oh Crumbs, I seem to have written my whole introduction as part of my profile. S...

When other people's opinions Count

Well, it's a few months since reducing pred gradually. It's 3 years since diagno...
cycli profile image

Moon face...

I've been steadily reducing prednisolone for GCA since September last year and h...
Gladys911 profile image

Thank you to our volunteers!

It's volunteers' week this week and we want to thank all our volunteers who help...
Fran_Benson profile image

Lower stomach pain - an update, plus a flare

This is partly an update on my last post regarding the lower left stomach pain t...
Indigo2417 profile image

Can PMR last for 5years+?

Hi allI was diagnosed with PMR in March 2019 after sudden onset of symptoms. CPR...
Phoebe12345 profile image

Is it safe to renew my tetanus injection with being on 8mg Pred?

My tetanus injection needs to be topped up. I have an allotment in London whic...
Motida profile image

Further developments in the 'back muscle strain' saga

Last October when changing bed sheets, I injured my back. Went to A & E in excru...

Discharged by rheumy!

I went to my appointment yesterday, full of tales of woe about all my various he...
Broseley profile image


I have refused to take any more methatrexate and am being prescribed Leflunomid...
Doublef profile image

Sick away from home. How much to take before long flight home?

Am at the end of 2 months traveling in Europe from Australia. Have GCA / PMR sin...
CathyMeg profile image

Ibruphen tablets v gel

hello all well, here “up north” earlier this evening we had the most horrendous...
Doraflora profile image

LVV Update

Hello, just getting back with the latest on what appears to be a huge LVV flare....

PMR/GCA Elevator Pitch

I’m 7 months into my pmr/gca experience and have yet to find a simple way to exp...
PMRSkier profile image

Confused and discouraged.

Hello everyone. A month ago I finished a slow taper from 3 to 2 1/2 mg. I was fe...
christi48 profile image

Hot weather intolerance - pmr, Pred or old age?

In a previous life - pre PMR - I was a real sun worshipper, loving every moment ...
Mandyq profile image

New to group

Hi it’s taken six months of agony however today after last round of blood tests ...

Free of polymyalgia

Hi I just wanted to tell everyone that you can finally be free of polymyalgia.I ...
Rosshigh profile image

Medications and tiredness

Hi, I was diagnosed in October 2023 with PMR after ignoring and attributing the ...
MarkC1971 profile image

Returning temporal headaches after stopping Tocilizumab, what to do ?

I will try to be brief. UK male aged 70 Diagnosed with GCA (ultra sound scan onl...
ghost123uk profile image
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Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis UK (PMRGCAuk) is a UK-wide charity set up to provide informati...

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All our services to PMR and GCA sufferers, and their families, are offered free of charge. But we are a very small charity and need all the help we can get to carry on our work.