Posts - Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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All posts for September 2024

Necessary cofactors and dosages for Vitamin b12 injections to work

Can anyone inform me as to all the necessary cofactors and dosages that need to ...
Thyropausal profile image

low in iron and B12

found out I’m low in iron and I’ve got pernicious anemia. From my understandin...
qwertystar profile image

Sore red tip of tongue vitamin b12 injections

After 2 weeks of alternate day b12 injections I have developed a sore red tip on...
Thyropausal profile image
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Ocular/retinal migraines

Apologies for yet another post.. but I truly feel like I'm being battered with o...

Being asked to track my working hours after OH referral..

Hi everyone. Wondering if anyone can advise. I was diagnosed with B12 deficien...

Help what happened?

My ferritin saturation has dropped since b12 injections! What do I do? I feel s...

Iron and transferrin levels

Just had blood results. Shows my iron has plummeted since an iron infusion in F...
fiftyone profile image

Starting SSRI during reversing out?

OK, I realise that I sort of asked this in my post a couple of years asking for ...

Do people with PA/B12 deficiency get run down more easily, even if undergoing treatment?

hi all! I’m in the midst of a long stretch of work (9th straight day) and I am s...
marlesk profile image


I am 87 yrs old and live alone and at the moment have exhausting visits from chi...
Io1000 profile image

Hypertension and B12

Just wondering if others have had issues with B12-raised hypertension? I've suff...

High MCV & MCH update

Good morning all I just wanted to update you on my previous post. All blood tes...

reverse out twice?

Hi Friends, I was diagnosed with b12d in June 2023. I found a way to get weekly...
MuppDog profile image

Thank you

Just wanted to thank all the forum members who replied to my plea for help yeste...

Dr David Morris - essential viewing video on B12 def. I've posted this because it h...

Help finding cardiologist - Bradycardia - West Herts NHS Trust (Will travel for good private Consultant)

Long story short..finally got GP to look at low bp (been low for 20 years but..)...
auldreekie profile image

Feel at rock bottom and can't see a way out. Need help to get over this.

Hi all, Sorry if this seems like another 'needy post. I've bored you all enough ...

Forum has been source of sanity in my B12 mystery journey

It's obvious we're becoming the experts by researching everything--while in dist...

Correct dose of b12 post abdominal surgery/stoma bag

I am trying to help my son. Many years ago he was diagnosed with Crohns disease...
Vonni7 profile image

I did a 45 minute spin class last night and I feel no pain today

Just wanted to share a positive update. Been on b12 injections since around Marc...
Iheartb12 profile image

B12 leaking out of top of vial. Safe?

I'm about half way thru a bottle. When I put the needle in the top to push the a...
Iheartb12 profile image

Why do I feel so much better in the evening?

Been self-injecting EOD for 4 weeks now. My symptoms before injection were tearf...
Laverdista profile image

does it matter if you take folate or folic acid?

hello Everyone, I 've been wanting to try the folic acid in a tablet, I current...

Wow...happening now in the USA. Curious if this is why B12 is hard to get across USA.
PaintLadie profile image

Frequent urination after B12 injections

Just wondering if anyone else experiences the need for frequent urination, a sho...

Anti-Vitamin B12 HoloTC antibody

Does anyone know any more about this test? Anyone had the test? Anyone had a p...
helvella profile image

Biting the bullet

Hi all, after lurking and dithering for so long I've decided to bite the bullet ...
ChardieL profile image

Two positive IFA tests, one negative. But positives were all about an hour after receiving b12 injections?

I had low b12, at 156. They gave me the injection. About an hour later they drew...

Active B12 test in USA?

Has anyone ever been able to find and take an active/functional B12 test anywher...

very high B12 no injections or supplements

Has anyone had very high B12 ? My B12 has been 2000 for years .. I have peripher...
lynnwin profile image